Issue - decisions

Cabinet referrals

26/11/2020 - Cabinet referrals


That the following be approved:

22 September 2020


8.1       CA/076/20       Budget Monitoring Q1 report




  1. Recommend to Council approval of the revised capital programme to move £7.3m slippage identified at Quarter 1 into financial year 2021/22 as detailed in Appendix C.


  1. Recommend to Council approval of supplementary revenue budgets as follows:


·         Supplementary budget of £140k in The Forum premises budget to fund the costs of ensuring the building is safe for staff to return under Coronavirus.


·         Supplementary budget of £60k in the Premises Insurance budget to fund additional costs of Uninsured Losses, to be funded from the Uninsured Losses reserve.


·         Supplementary budget of £253k in the Building Control service to fund the final settlement of Work in Progress following the transfer of the service to Hertfordshire Building Control. This is to be funded from the Management of Change reserve.


·         Supplementary budget of £33k in the Garage service, funded from the Invest to Save reserve, to fund a specialist project manager to lead on improvements to the garage letting process.


  1. Recommend to Council approval of supplementary capital budgets as follows:


  • A capital budget of £90k in the Waste and Recycling Capital budgets for new Wheeled Bins.


  • Additional budget of £400k in the Fleet Replacement Budget, to fund additional vehicles.

  • Capital budgets of £24k and £19k to fund electrical upgrade works at Berkhamsted Civic Centre and Victoria Hall Tring respectively.


  • Capital budget of £15k for essential roofing improvements at The Denes.



8.2       CA/078/20       Loan agreement with West Herts Crematorium Committee




  1. A £6m loan to the partner authorities of the West Herts Crematorium Joint Committee (WHCJC), and a supporting Deed of Contribution and Indemnity and delegate authority to the Corporate Director, Finance and Operations in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Finance and Resources to finalise terms of the required legal documentation.


20 October 2020


8.3       CA/087/20       Treasury Management Report




The acceptance of the report on Treasury Management performance in 2019/20 and the Prudential Indicators for 2019/20.


8.4       CA/088/20       Medium Term Financial Strategy




The approval of the revised Medium Term Financial Strategy for the period 2020/21 – 2024/25, including the recommendations at Section 2 of the Strategy.


8.5       CA/089/20       Local Plan Consultation Report




  1. That the Emerging Strategy for Growth (Appendix 1) is published for consultation under Regulation 18 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 (as amended).


  1. That authority is delegated to make changes to the Emerging Strategy for Growth , including any necessary to reflect the Cabinet’s and/or Council discussions and decision,  to the Assistant Director Planning, Development and Infrastructure in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Planning and Infrastructure.

A recorded vote was held:

For: Adeleke, Anderson, Banks, Barrett, Bassadone, Beauchamp, Bhinder, Birnie, Durrant, Elliot, Griffiths, Guest, Hearn, Imarni, Maddern, Mahmood (Sobaan), Mahmood (Suqlain), Peter, Riddick, Rogers, Silwal, Sinha, G Sutton, R Sutton, Timmis, Williams, Wyatt-Lowe (27)

Against: Allen, Barry, Claughton, England, Freedman, Hobson, Hollinghurst, Link, McDowell, Pringle, Ransley, Stevens, Symington, Taylor, Tindall, Townsend, Uttley, Woolner (18)

Abstain: Mayor (1)

Therefore the decision was agreed.


8.6       CA/091/20       Car Parking Supplementary Planning Document




That the draft SPD is adopted.


8.7       CA/092/20       Herts Growth Board – Section 101 Committee




(1)   Agree to the establishment of the Hertfordshire Growth Board Joint Committee and Hertfordshire Growth Board Scrutiny Joint Committee and delegate such functions to the committees as set out in the annexed Hertfordshire Growth Board - Integrated Governance Framework and annexed Terms of Reference and Standing Orders for each committee.


(2)  Adopt the Hertfordshire Growth Board - Integrated Governance Framework into the Councils own constitutional framework and delegate authority to the Assistant Director, Corporate and Contracted Services to make any required changes to the Council’s constitution to give effect to the Governance Framework.


(3)  Agree that the Council’s nominated representative on the Hertfordshire Growth Board Committee shall be Councillor Andrew Williams as Leader of the Council and the approved substitute shall be Councillor  Margaret Griffiths as Deputy Leader


(4)   Delegate authority to the Leader of the Council to nominate the Council’s representative on the Hertfordshire Growth Board Scrutiny Joint Committee and approved substitute.