Committee details

Health in Dacorum

Purpose of committee

To perform a non-statutory role of overview and scrutiny in relation to-


(a)  matters relating to the provision of Health Services in the Borough by external local health providers, and


(b)  matters associated with the role of the Council in promoting and helping to improve the health and wellbeing of its residents, including monitoring the progress of the Council’s work internally, and its partnership with the County Council and other public health partners, in tackling the local health and wellbeing priorities of the Borough.  



(i)            The Health in Dacorum Committee will consist of 12 Members of the Council together with 3 Co-Opted Members (who shall have full voting rights) which shall include 2 representatives from the Patients Forum.


(ii)           The Chairman & Vice Chairmen of the Health in Dacorum Committee shall be appointed by the Committee itself.



Contact information

Support officer: Corporate and Democratic Support. 01442 228209