Issue - meetings

Local Planning Framework Annual Monitoring Report and Local Development Scheme Update

Meeting: 15/12/2015 - Cabinet (Item 121)

121 Local Planning Framework Authority Monitoring Report and Local Development Scheme Update pdf icon PDF 175 KB

Additional documents:




·      The adoption of the new Local Development

     Scheme as set out in the report to Cabinet.


2.     That the headline results from the forthcoming Authority Monitoring Report 2014/15 with regard to housing, employment and retailing be noted;

3.     That progress on the Local Planning Framework be noted







·      The adoption of the new Local Development

     Scheme as set out in the report to Cabinet.


2.     That the headline results from the forthcoming Authority Monitoring Report 2014/15 with regard to housing, employment and retailing be noted;

3.     That progress on the Local Planning Framework be noted


Reason for Decision


To consider:

·        the Authority Monitoring Report for 2014/15;

·        progress on the Local Planning Framework; and

·        recommend publication of a revised Local Development Scheme to Council.






Funding is provided from the LDF reserve. A budget has been agreed for 2015/16.  The 2016/17 budget is currently being reviewed as part of the annual budget cycle.


Value for Money

Every effort has been made to secure external funding – most recently through the New Homes Bonus, to reduce the impact on the Council’s budget. Where possible, evidence base work is undertaken jointly with other authorities to ensure cost is optimised (through economies of scale). Collaborative working with landowner consultants will continue to help extend the resources available to the Council and avoid the duplication of site specific technical information.


Risk Implications


A risk assessment has been carried out as part of the PID / CORVU monitoring process.The Local Development Scheme also contains its own risk assessment. The key concern is that the (new) development plan must be sound, and delivers what is needed expeditiously. Risk is reduced by ensuring processes and the evidence base is robust. Sufficient financial resources are essential to achieve that: this includes maintaining a team of appropriately skilled and qualified staff. Certain elements of the plan-making process have explicit statutory requirements such as consultation, publication, examination and presentation of the adopted Development Plan Document. The Authority Monitoring Report reviews the risks inherent in preparing the Local Planning Framework. Monitoring of development is a source of information which, properly used, can assist risk reduction – i.e. it checks whether progress and control of development has been successful and can indicate where change (in policy or process) may be beneficial.



Community Impact Assessment

An Equality Impact Assessment has been carried out for the Core Strategy.  This is currently being converted and updated into a broader Community Impact Assessment.  An independent Sustainability Appraisal Report which accompanies the Core Strategy also considers equalities issues separately.  It concludes that the Core Strategy avoids any discrimination on the basis of disability, gender or ethnic minority.


Health And Safety Implications



Corporate Objectives


The Authority Monitoring Report looks at the effectiveness of current planning policies – for example the achievement of the overall housing target and protection of green space/wildlife sites – and progress towards planning policy review (i.e. targets set out in the Local Development Scheme). It therefore provides a good summary of how the Council’s planning policies are supporting delivery of corporate objectives – especially those relating to affordable housing; safe and clean environment and regeneration.

As the policies within the Core Strategy and other planning documents are aimed at enabling growth, it also provides  ...  view the full minutes text for item 121