Meeting attendance

Tuesday, 15th November, 2022 7.30 pm, Cabinet

Venue:   Conference Room 1 - The Forum

Contact:    Corporate and Democratic Support
01442 228209

Meeting attendance
Attendee Role Attendance Attendance comment
Jon Maxwell Council Staff Expected
Mark Pinnell Council Staff Expected
Karen Proudfoot Council Staff Expected
James Doe Council Staff In attendance
Catherine Silva Donayre Council Staff Expected
Mary Fleming Officer Expected
Sarah Pemberton Council Staff Expected
Tom Dewey Council Staff Expected
Alex Robinson Council Staff In attendance
Councillor Andrew Williams Leader Present
Councillor Margaret Griffiths Deputy Leader Present
Councillor Graeme Elliot Committee Member Present
Councillor Alan Anderson Committee Member Present
Councillor Julie Banks Committee Member Present
Claire Hamilton Officer In attendance
Councillor Graham Barrett Committee Member Present
Mark Brookes Officer In attendance
Nigel Howcutt Officer In attendance
Richard LeBrun Officer In attendance
Ronan Leydon Officer In attendance
Trevor Pugh Officer In attendance
Aidan Wilkie Officer In attendance