Meeting attendance

Thursday, 13th June, 2019 7.00 pm, Development Management

Venue:   The Forum

Contact:    Corporate and Democratic Support
01442 228209

Meeting attendance
Attendee Role Attendance Attendance comment
Councillor Fiona Guest Chairman Apologies
Councillor Jan Maddern Committee Member Apologies
Councillor Stewart Riddick Committee Member Present
Councillor Colette Wyatt-Lowe Vice-Chairman Present
Katie Mogan Officer Expected
Councillor Rob Beauchamp Committee Member Present
Councillor Nigel Durrant Committee Member Present
Councillor Pearl Oguchi Committee Member Present
Councillor Phil McDowell Committee Member Present
Councillor Liz Uttley Committee Member Present
Councillor Nicky Woolner Committee Member Present
Councillor Sally Symington Committee Member Present
Councillor John Birnie Committee Member Present as substitute
James Doe Officer In attendance
Fiona Bogle Officer In attendance
Rachel Marber Officer In attendance
Stephen Mendham Officer In attendance
Jason Seed Officer In attendance
Martin Stickley Officer In attendance
Simon Dunn-Lwin Officer In attendance
James Gardner Officer In attendance
Nargis Sultan Officer In attendance
Charlie Webber Secretary In attendance