Issue details

OD-035-24 - 59 Eastwick Row – Approval of Purchase

The homeowner of 59 Eastwick Row, Hemel Hempstead, HP2 4JQ, a former council property, is now seeking to sell it back to Dacorum Borough Council.
After conducting a thorough review and evaluation, including a condition survey, market valuation, and community safety assessment, it is recommended that the Council makes a formal offer to purchase the property and start the conveyance process.
Securing 59 Eastwick Row fulfils our commitment to provide a 2-bed property under MHCLG’s LAHF Round 3 scheme.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 12/12/2024

Decision due: 12 Dec 2024 by Strategic Director Housing & Property Services

Contact: Darren Welsh, Strategic Director, Housing and Property Services Email:


Background papers