Issue details

Disposal of 96 High Street, Hemel Hempstead, HP1 3AQ

1.This property, due to its location and type would command a higher than average market value (Housing Disposals Policy; paragraph 3).
2.The property is in need of major work to remove any Health and Safety rating system hazards or asbestos containing materials that require a high level of ongoing management in conjunction with extensive works to comply with Decent Homes provision i.e. installation of a central heating system, rewiring, new kitchen and bathroom, new windows.
3.This property, due to its age, Grade II listed, design and location is expected to command a higher than average market value, and due to its age and condition will incur higher than average costs to maintain over the 30 year Business Plan (Housing Disposals Policy; paragraph 5).

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 25/06/2024

Decision due: 11 Jun 2024 by Chief Finance Officer (S151)

Contact: Lesley Jugoo, Empty Homes Lead Officer 01442228832, Email: Email:


Background papers