Issue details

OD-004-2022 To award a contract for the Pre-Construction Services for the Berkhamsted Sports Centre Development

Following an options appraisal on the redevelopment of Berkhamsted Sports Centre, Cabinet agreed to move forward with investigating the development of a new sports centre on the current sports centre site.
In November 2021, Cabinet was provided with an update on the project, reporting at the end of RIBA Stage 2 (Concept Design) and approved the commencement of RIBA Stage 3 (Spatial Planning). Cabinet also provided delegated authority to the Assistant Director, Corporate and Contracted Services and the S.151 officer to commence the procurement for a two stage, design

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: For Determination

Notice of proposed decision first published: 11/03/2022

Decision due: 12 Mar 2022 by Assistant Director - Legal and Democratic Services

Contact: Ben Hosier, Head of Commercial Development 01442 228215 Email: Email:


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