Issue details

PH-001-22 Additional Resilience Grant (ARG) Policy update.

Dacorum Borough Council has received circa £4m in ARG funding to support local businesses to date circa £3m of these funds have been allocated.


In addition the Council has recently received an additional £345k of ARG for distribution.


This seeks approval for the award of unspent Additional Recovery Grant funds to support businesses in the wake of the introduction of Plan B restrictions and the impact of Omicron.

Decision type: Key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 18/01/2022

This decision will be taken under urgency procedures.

Reason for urgency:
DBC has unallocated funds from both the previous award of ARG (c£1.08m plus a further recent award of £345k) which need to be allocated to businesses before the end of the financial year – otherwise any residual funds have to returned to Government. It is therefore essential that the Council begins this process in the next few days to ensure that grant applications can be sought and assessed by Council Officers.

Decision due: February 2022 by Portfolio Holder for People & Transformation, Portfolio Holder for Corporate & Commercial Services, Portfolio Holder for Place

Contact: James Doe, Strategic Director - Place Email:
