Issue details

PH-009-21-Hemel School Sports Area – Refurbishment works and new dual use agreement

To approve the Council to enter into a new 25 year dual use agreement with the Hemel Hempstead School for the ‘Multi Use Games Area’ in accordance with the terms set out in the draft dual use agreement (copy annexed).


The current 25 year dual use agreement is coming to an end in November 2022 and therefore consideration needs to be given to a new agreement.  The existing facility which consists of an artificial grass 5-a-side football pitch and 3 tennis court tarmac surface requires complete refurbishment to bring it up to current standards as it is currently unusable due to safety concerns.


The refurbishment project will consist of new artificial grass surfaces on both court areas, new floodlights and fencing.  The works will make the facilities usable for multi-sports, football, tennis, hockey, netball, and as a result requires a new agreement to document agreed terms, including usage times, maintenance and repair responsibilities and income generation.


Decision type: Key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 25/03/2021

Decision due: April 2021 by Portfolio Holder for People & Transformation

Contact: Mark Brookes, Assistant Director - Legal and Democratic Services (Monitoring Officer) Email:
