Election results for Northchurch

Borough elections - Thursday, 2nd May, 2019

Northchurch - results
Election Candidate Party Votes % Outcome
Lara Pringle Liberal Democrats 623 66% Elected
Tina Howard Conservative 220 23% Not elected
Malcolm Cathcart Green 61 6% Not elected
Gwendoline Mary Scott Labour 41 4% Not elected
Voting Summary
Details Number
Seats 1
Total votes 945
Number of ballot papers issued 953
Number of ballot papers rejected 8
Share of the votes (%)
Candidate name Vote percentage Elected
Lara Pringle 66% Elected
Candidate name Vote percentage Elected
Tina Howard 23% Not elected
Candidate name Vote percentage Elected
Malcolm Cathcart 6% Not elected
Candidate name Vote percentage Elected
Gwendoline Mary Scott 4% Not elected
Rejected ballot papers
being unmarked or wholly void for uncertainty8
Total rejected8