
Use the below search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the council’s decision making bodies.

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Decisions published

11/06/2024 - Disposal of 96 High Street, Hemel Hempstead, HP1 3AQ ref: 2207    Recommendations Approved

1.This property, due to its location and type would command a higher than average market value (Housing Disposals Policy; paragraph 3).
2.The property is in need of major work to remove any Health and Safety rating system hazards or asbestos containing materials that require a high level of ongoing management in conjunction with extensive works to comply with Decent Homes provision i.e. installation of a central heating system, rewiring, new kitchen and bathroom, new windows.
3.This property, due to its age, Grade II listed, design and location is expected to command a higher than average market value, and due to its age and condition will incur higher than average costs to maintain over the 30 year Business Plan (Housing Disposals Policy; paragraph 5).

Decision Maker: Chief Finance Officer (S151)

Decision published: 25/06/2024

Effective from: 11/06/2024


Approve the sale of 96 High Street, Hemel Hempstead, HP1 3AQ via the open market.

Lead officer: Lesley Jugoo

18/06/2024 - Agree and adopt the Persistent and Unreasonable Behaviour Policy ref: 2208    Recommendations Approved

This decision is to adopt a policy to enable the Council to effectively address persistent and unreasonable behaviour from customers.

Decision Maker: Chief Executive

Decision published: 18/06/2024

Effective from: 18/06/2024


Adoption of policy

Lead officer: Shaj Choudhury

17/06/2024 - Approval to award contracts for Phase 2 for the Interim Contract Strategy Project. ref: 2190    Recommendations Approved

On the 7th February 23, a report was presented to Commercial Board on the level of non-compliant spend within Housing and Commercial Property. The report highlighted 38 contracts with a total value of circa £4.9m. These contracts are also on informal contract agreements, meaning there is no formal contract in place, which creates a number of high-level risks for the Council.
A number of these contracts could be in scope for the future Repairs and Maintenance Contract, which is due to go live on the 1st July 2025. Any solution would need to ensure it does not restrict the Council’s options for the future contract.
Following a review of the contracts, it was agreed that the Council would direct award the contracts to incumbent providers due to:
a) The high level of risk the Council are carrying through not having a formal contract in place;
b) The timescales required to carry out a tender process will mean the Council will continue to carry the risks for 6 months plus;
c) The lack of market interest in these contracts given the short contract period the Council can commit to;
d) The good level of service the incumbent providers are providing;
As part of the process, due diligence checks have been carried out on all providers. Some contractors were removed due to their current trading status and poor credit ratings. Where there is a gap in service delivery, the Council will look to bring in contractors from compliant Framework Agreements.
On the 17th October 23, approval was provided by Cabinet to:
1)Award 22 contracts under Phase 1 of the project.
2)Delegate authority to the Strategic Director of Housing and Property Services to award contracts across 7 contract categories. This includes contract awards for the Heating and Ventilation contracts, which will be awarded via a compliant procurement process.
Appendix 1 sets out the contracts to be awarded for Phase 2 of the project.

Decision Maker: Strategic Director Housing & Property Services

Decision published: 17/06/2024

Effective from: 17/06/2024


To approve the award of the contracts in Appendix 1 for Phase 2 of the Interim Contract Strategy Project.

Lead officer: Andrew Linden