
Use the below search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the council’s decision making bodies.

Alternatively you can visit the officer decisions page for information on officer delegated decisions that have been taken by council officers.

Decisions published
Title Date Effective from Call-ins
To vary the terms of several of the leases for Eastwick Row flats in order to relocate the brick sheds originally included in the demise. ref: 129914/10/202014/10/2020Not for call-in
Officer Decision Record Sheet - Energy Saving Trust - Data and Reports ref: 129814/10/202014/10/2020Not for call-in
To authorise the sale of 3 School End Crescent, Hemel Hempstead, HP1 2DZ ref: 128304/10/202004/10/2020Not for call-in
Test and Trace Support Payment. ref: 129712/10/202012/10/2020Not for call-in
Any other business ref: 129516/09/202016/09/2020Not for call-in
Motions ref: 128816/09/202016/09/2020Not for call-in
Change to committee dates ref: 129416/09/202016/09/2020Not for call-in
Changes to committee membership ref: 129316/09/202016/09/2020Not for call-in
Overview and Scrutiny referrals ref: 129216/09/202016/09/2020Not for call-in
Cabinet referrals ref: 129116/09/202016/09/2020Not for call-in
Business from the last council meeting ref: 129016/09/202016/09/2020Not for call-in
Questions ref: 128916/09/202016/09/2020Not for call-in
Announcements ref: 128716/09/202016/09/2020Not for call-in
Public Participation ref: 128616/09/202016/09/2020Not for call-in
Declarations of Interest ref: 128516/09/202016/09/2020Not for call-in
Minutes ref: 128416/09/202016/09/2020Not for call-in
To retrospectively approve an exemption to comply with the Council’s commissioning & procurement standing orders and award a contract directly without the need to carry out a competitive tendering process in relation to: The Supply of Furniture to th ref: 129607/10/202015/10/2020Call-in expired