
Use the below search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the council’s decision making bodies.

Alternatively you can visit the officer decisions page for information on officer delegated decisions that have been taken by council officers.

Decisions published

22/07/2020 - To award a contract for the installation and extension of 3G pitches ref: 1223    Recommendations Approved

The Council were keen to maximise the play value at both Grovehill Adventure Playground and Adeyfield Adventure Playground.
The Council currently have an artificial pitch at Adeyfield Adventure Playground, which is well used, both by the users of the adventure playground and for external hire out of hours.
The Council have capital money allocated to install a new 3G pitch at Grovehill and extend the playing area at Adeyfield Adventure Playground with a new 3G pitch.
The Council carried out an open tender process and looked at both schemes independently. The evaluation of Lot 1 identified ETC Sports as the bidder providing best value for money of all the bids received but unfortunately no bidders were able to match the brief for Lot 2.

Decision Maker: Assistant Director - Performance, People and Innovation

Decision published: 05/08/2020

Effective from: 22/07/2020


To award a contract to ETC Sports Surfaces Limited for the installation of a new 3rd generation sports pitch (3G) at Grovehill Adventure Playground (Lot 1) and carry out a non-award for Adeyfield Adventure Playground (Lot 2).

Lead officer: Jim Guiton

10/07/2020 - To authorise the sale of 1 School End Crescent, Hemel Hempstead, HP1 2DZ ref: 1240    Recommendations Approved

To authorise the sale of 1 School End Crescent, Hemel Hempstead, HP1 2DZ

Decision Maker: Corporate Director Housing (interim)

Decision published: 30/07/2020

Effective from: 10/07/2020


To authorise the sale of 1 School End Crescent, Hemel Hempstead, HP1 2DZ

Lead officer: Mark Gaynor

17/07/2020 - To seek approval for the sale of 6 School End Crescent, Hemel Hempstead, HP1 2DZ at Martindale Fields, Warners End. ref: 1225    Recommendations Approved

To seek approval for the sale of 6 School End Crescent, Hemel Hempstead, HP1 2DZ at Martindale Fields, Warners End.

Decision Maker: Corporate Director Housing (interim)

Decision published: 29/07/2020

Effective from: 17/07/2020


To seek approval for the sale of 6 School End Crescent, Hemel Hempstead, HP1 2DZ at Martindale Fields, Warners End.

Lead officer: Mark Gaynor

17/07/2020 - To seek approval for the sale of 9 School End Crescent, Hemel Hempstead, HP1 2DZ at Martindale Fields, Warners End. ref: 1224    Recommendations Approved

To seek approval for the sale of 9 School End Crescent, Hemel Hempstead, HP1 2DZ at Martindale Fields, Warners End.

Decision Maker: Corporate Director Housing (interim)

Decision published: 29/07/2020

Effective from: 17/07/2020


To seek approval for the sale of 9 School End Crescent, Hemel Hempstead, HP1 2DZ at Martindale Fields, Warners End.

Lead officer: Mark Gaynor

21/07/2020 - Pavement Licensing ref: 1235    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 21/07/2020 - Cabinet

Decision published: 23/07/2020

Effective from: 21/07/2020


1.    That responsibility for granting, refusal and revocation  of licences, including the setting of conditions, be delegated to the Assistant Director – Corporate and Contracted Services and the Group Manager, Legal and Corporate Services

2.    That the fees will be set at the maximum permitted level  of £100 in order to recover as much of the cost of issuing licences as possible be approved.

3.    That the duration of licences will be to 30th September 2021, unless revoked be approved.


21/07/2020 - Local Development Scheme ref: 1234    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 21/07/2020 - Cabinet

Decision published: 23/07/2020

Effective from: 21/07/2020


That the justification for an additional consultation under Regulation 18 be noted, and approve it being incorporated into the revised timetable for the Local Plan and other updates to the Local Development Scheme appended to this report and delegate authority to the Assistant Director- Planning, Development and Regeneration to make any final minor editorial and typographical revisions to the document including any necessary to reflect the Cabinet’s discussions and decision.

21/07/2020 - Cabinet Forward Plan ref: 1231    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 21/07/2020 - Cabinet

Decision published: 23/07/2020

Effective from: 21/07/2020


The forward plan was noted with no changes.

21/07/2020 - Referrals to Cabinet ref: 1230    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 21/07/2020 - Cabinet

Decision published: 23/07/2020

Effective from: 21/07/2020


There were no referrals to Cabinet

21/07/2020 - Public Participation ref: 1229    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 21/07/2020 - Cabinet

Decision published: 23/07/2020

Effective from: 21/07/2020


There was no public participation

21/07/2020 - Declarations of Interest ref: 1228    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 21/07/2020 - Cabinet

Decision published: 23/07/2020

Effective from: 21/07/2020


There were no declarations of interest

21/07/2020 - Apologies for Absence ref: 1227    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 21/07/2020 - Cabinet

Decision published: 23/07/2020

Effective from: 21/07/2020


There were no apologies for absence.

21/07/2020 - Minutes ref: 1226    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 21/07/2020 - Cabinet

Decision published: 23/07/2020

Effective from: 21/07/2020


Minutes of the meeting held on 23 June 2020 were agreed by Members present.


21/07/2020 - Garage Programme Update ref: 1232    Recommendations Approved

To update Cabinet on the progress of the Garages Review programme

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 21/07/2020 - Cabinet

Decision published: 23/07/2020

Effective from: 21/07/2020


That the progress of the programme and the impact of COVID-19 on the garage programme be noted

21/07/2020 - Private Sector Assistance Policy ref: 1233    Recommendations Approved

New policy to support the use of Disabled facilities grant and Better Care Fund and links between housing and health

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 21/07/2020 - Cabinet

Decision published: 23/07/2020

Effective from: 21/07/2020


That the draft Private Sector Housing Assistance Policy as set out in the Appendix to the Cabinet report be approved

20/07/2020 - Contractual Covid 19 Support ref: 1222    Recommendations Approved

To provide contractual support to ensure that the Council's leisure centres can open on 25th July.

Decision Maker: Assistant Director - Legal and Democratic Services

Decision published: 20/07/2020

Effective from: 20/07/2020


That a support agreement with Sports and Leisure Management Limited be agreed for an initial 3 month period on the terms set out in this Officer Decision Record Sheet.

Lead officer: Mark Brookes

15/07/2020 - Call-in and urgency procedure ref: 1221    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Council

Made at meeting: 15/07/2020 - Council

Decision published: 17/07/2020

Effective from: 15/07/2020


The Council noted the following urgent Portfolio Holder Decisions:


Ø  PH/009/20 - Local Authority Discretionary Grant Fund, (Ladgf) – Covid-19 Support for Local Businesses

Ø  PH/010/20 - Local Authority Discretionary Grant Fund, (Ladgf) – Covid-19 Support For Local Businesses Phase 2

Ø  PH/013/20 - Building Control Financial Settlement With Hertfordshire Building Control Ltd


15/07/2020 - Motions ref: 1214    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Council

Made at meeting: 15/07/2020 - Council

Decision published: 17/07/2020

Effective from: 15/07/2020


The following Motion was proposed by Councillor Tindall and seconded by Councillor Freedman:


1.            Climate Emergency


This council takes note of the Strategy and Action Plan adopted by the Cabinet at their meeting on 23rd June. In addition, the council welcomes the Climate Change Emergency Statement and the undertaking to work with businesses, community groups and residents to reduce emissions across the Borough.


In furtherance of these decisions and objectives, the council believes that the bringing together of those interested in working with the Council in a public programme of Community Engagement would be beneficial, and asks that as soon as reasonably possible, given the present restrictions imposed because of the health crisis, a series of consultative events are promoted which will engage all sectors of the community, culminating in a Climate Emergency event at which representatives of those community sectors will meet to discuss with the Council the attainment of the Council's objectives by 2030.


An amendment to the motion was proposed by Councillor Williams and seconded by Councillor Griffiths


Revise the first line to read:


“This council endorses the administrations ambitious Strategy and action plan….”


A vote was held on the amendment to the motion:


36 For, 0 Against and 1 Abstain


Therefore the amendment was agreed

A vote was then held on the amended motion

39 For, 0 Against and 1 Abstain


Therefore the Motion was carried.



The following Motion was proposed by Councillor England and seconded by Councillor Hobson:


2.            Overview and Scrutiny


This Council recognises that scrutiny is an important part of a well-functioning administration where policies, strategy and decisions are tested by members and justified by Portfolio-holders with the support of officers.


Now that the Council is once again in a state of credible balance, and all Councillors have at least one year's experience, Council believes that scrutiny ought rightly to be led by a politically-proportionate group of Chairs and Vice-Chairs.


The council resolves to review Scrutiny and reform Chairmanship of OSCs so that Scrutiny in Dacorum is cross-party, with Chairs and Vice Chairs being drawn proportionately from the recognised political groups of the council, the appropriate amendment to the Constitution to be presented to the Council at their meeting in September.


The following amendment was made by Councillor Williams and seconded by Councillor Griffiths:


Delete all text after the first paragraph and insert a new second paragraph


“This  council resolves that the current arrangements for Chairs and Vice Chairs supports the effective process of scrutiny and supports continuing with the current allocations of Chairs and Vice Chairs of the Overview and Scrutiny Committees”


A vote was held on the amendment to the motion:


24 For, 18 Against and 3 Abstain


Therefore the amendment was agreed

A vote was then held on the amended motion

21 For, 17 Against and 3 Abstain


Therefore the Motion was carried.



15/07/2020 - Change to committee dates ref: 1220    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Council

Made at meeting: 15/07/2020 - Council

Decision published: 17/07/2020

Effective from: 15/07/2020


The following changes/additions to committee dates were agreed:


Ø  Move Audit Committee from 30th September to 17th September 2020.

Ø  Add Appointments Committee on 30th July 2020.

Ø  Add a special Council meeting on 5th August 2020.


15/07/2020 - Changes to committee membership ref: 1219    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Council

Made at meeting: 15/07/2020 - Council

Decision published: 17/07/2020

Effective from: 15/07/2020


The following changes to committee membership were agreed:


Ø  Councillor Allen to replace Councillor Taylor on the Finance and Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee.

Ø  Councillor Allen to replace Councillor England on the Health in Dacorum Committee.

Ø  Councillor Tindall to replace Councillor Symington on the Development Management Committee.

Ø  Councillor McDowell to replace Councillor Woolner on the Strategic Planning and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee.

Ø  Councillor Symington to fill the vacancy on the Health in Dacorum Committee.

Ø  Councillor Woolner to fill the vacancy on the Licensing and Health and Safety Enforcement Committee.


15/07/2020 - Overview and Scrutiny Committee Annual Reports ref: 1218    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Council

Made at meeting: 15/07/2020 - Council

Decision published: 17/07/2020

Effective from: 15/07/2020


The Chairman ofthe Strategic Planning and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee, Councillor John Birnie, introduced the Annual Reports of the Overview and Scrutiny Groups to the Council and highlighted certain aspects of the work carried out by the individual committees.


15/07/2020 - Cabinet referrals ref: 1217    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Council

Made at meeting: 15/07/2020 - Council

Decision published: 17/07/2020

Effective from: 15/07/2020



That the following be approved:

19 May 2020


8.1      CA/046/20    Provisional Outturn 2019/20




The approval of a supplementary capital budget of £300k in 2020/21 to complete works to the Berkhamsted multi-storey car park.


23 June 2020


8.2      CA/059/20    Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan




The creation of a budget for the Climate Emergency of £75,000 in 2020/21 and authority be delegated for its expenditure be made to the Corporate Director Housing and Regeneration and the Assistant Director Corporate and Contracted Services in consultation with the Leader be approved.


15/07/2020 - Business from the last council meeting ref: 1216    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Council

Made at meeting: 15/07/2020 - Council

Decision published: 17/07/2020

Effective from: 15/07/2020



15/07/2020 - Questions ref: 1215    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Council

Made at meeting: 15/07/2020 - Council

Decision published: 17/07/2020

Effective from: 15/07/2020


Question from Councillor Allen to Councillor G Sutton:


“Given the concerns of local residents, can the portfolio holder please confirm that Chaulden Lane, the much-loved designated country lane, will not need any widening beyond the passing points agreed when the LA3 planning application was granted”


Councillor G Sutton responded that the proposals for development at site LA3 (land at West Hemel Hempstead) involve the provision of passing places on Chaulden Lane. Responsibility for the management and future use of the Lane rests with Hertfordshire County Council, which it regards as a rural route. Dacorum Borough Council has no further plans other than those in relation to site LA3 that it would wish to put to HCC in respect of Chaulden Lane.


Councillor Allen asked if there will be width restrictions on the static homes permissible at Chaulden Lane Gypsy and Traveller site which often can be as wide as 16ft and are often 14ft when the HCC assessment of the lane has only assessed on traffic that is 9.5ft wide?


Councillor G Sutton said he believed that it was up to the hauliers or carriers of these vehicles to ensure that they are able to travel through the lane but believes the passing places should allow the access required. This issue is faced across rural areas, especially on the coast with mobile holiday homes. He reassured Councillor Allen that this wouldn’t be turned into a rat run that can be used by the public.


Councillor Allen asked in the instance of there being wider loads, that might cause damage to hedgerows and banks of the lane, can the portfolio holder commit to working with Herts Highways to ensure that these wider loads do not cause damage?


Councillor G Sutton said he was sure that this could be included in the planning conditions of the site which are still being considered.


Councillor Allen asked if the Gypsy and Traveller community had been consulted on the HCC assessment which has assessed the lane on the basis of a 9.5ft wide load?


Councillor G Sutton said he was not privy to those conversations to be aware of it.


15/07/2020 - Announcements ref: 1213    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Council

Made at meeting: 15/07/2020 - Council

Decision published: 17/07/2020

Effective from: 15/07/2020


4.1       By the Mayor:

The Mayor announced the sad passing of former Dacorum Councillor John Bowden. One minutes silence was held in remembrance.

4.2       By the Chief Executive:




4.3       By the Group Leaders:

Councillor Williams confirmed that apologies had been received from Councillors Elliot and Johnson


Councillor Tindall confirmed that apologies had been received from Councillor Stevens


4.4       Council Leader and Members of the Cabinet:


(Full details are in the minutes under Announcements of the Leader and Cabinet).


15/07/2020 - Public Participation ref: 1212    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Council

Made at meeting: 15/07/2020 - Council

Decision published: 17/07/2020

Effective from: 15/07/2020


There was no public participation.

15/07/2020 - Declarations of Interest ref: 1211    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Council

Made at meeting: 15/07/2020 - Council

Decision published: 17/07/2020

Effective from: 15/07/2020


There were no declarations of interest.

15/07/2020 - Minutes ref: 1210    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Council

Made at meeting: 15/07/2020 - Council

Decision published: 17/07/2020

Effective from: 15/07/2020


The minutes of the meeting held on 15 April 2020 were agreed by the members present and will be signed by the Mayor at the next available opportunity.


14/07/2020 - To enter into a Deed Of Variation of title no HD484636 with Hertfordshire County Council (HCC). ref: 1209    Recommendations Approved

To enter into a Deed Of Variation of title no HD484636 with Hertfordshire County Council (HCC).

Decision Maker: Assistant Director - Housing Operations and Safe Communities

Decision published: 14/07/2020

Effective from: 14/07/2020


To enter into a Deed Of Variation of title no HD484636 with Hertfordshire County Council (HCC).

Lead officer: Fiona Williamson

10/07/2020 - To approve the signing of the S38 agreement and transfer documents for the Sale of the 21 units at the Martindale Development ref: 1207    Recommendations Approved

To approve the signing of the S38 agreement with Hertfordshire County Council (HCC) and amendments to the transfer documents required as part of the conveyancing pack for the sales of the 21 units at the Martindale Development. Stationers Place.

Decision Maker: Assistant Director - Housing Operations and Safe Communities

Decision published: 10/07/2020

Effective from: 10/07/2020


To approve the signing of the S38 agreement with Hertfordshire County Council (HCC) and amendments to the transfer documents required as part of the conveyancing pack for the sales of the 21 units at the Martindale Development. Stationers Place.

Lead officer: Fiona Williamson

06/07/2020 - To seek approval for the sale of 18 School End Crescent, Hemel Hempstead, HP1 2DZ at Martindale Fields, Warners End. ref: 1206    Recommendations Approved

To seek approval for the sale of 18 School End Crescent, Hemel Hempstead, HP1 2DZ at Martindale Fields, Warners End.

Decision Maker: Corporate Director Housing (interim)

Decision published: 10/07/2020

Effective from: 06/07/2020


To authorise the sale of 18 School End Crescent, Hemel Hempstead, HP1 2DZ

Lead officer: Mark Gaynor