Issue - decisions

Treasury Management Outturn and Performance Indicators

23/09/2015 - Treasury Management Outturn and Performance Indicators




That Council be recommended to approve the acceptance of the report on Treasury Management performance in 2014/15 and the Prudential Indicators for 2014/15 actuals.


Reason for Decision


To report upon the performance outturn for treasury management in 2014/15


Financial Implications


In accordance with Central Government Guidance on Local Government Investments, and the CIPFA Treasury Management Code of Practice, the order of the Council’s investment priorities is 1. Security; 2. Liquidity; and, 3. Return. This may result in the Council achieving a lower rate of return than an organisation operating a more aggressive investment strategy in a less regulated sector. 


Risk Implications


Good corporate governance encompasses risk management and making sure that the Council makes decisions with the full knowledge of the associated risks and opportunities.  The risk of not reviewing and updating our corporate governance arrangements have been addressed by this report


Equalities Implications

None identified.


Health And Safety Implications

None identified.


Corporate Objectives

Dacorum Delivers - Optimising investment income for General Fund and Housing Revenue budgets whilst managing investment risk is fundamental to achieving the corporate objectives.






The Portfolio Holder for Finance and Resources explained there were no rates increases until the summer of 2016. It was therefore difficult to see investment returns based on a 0% increase.

The Assistant Director for Finance and Resources added that there was a statutory return, and therefore included in the cycle of reports.



Consultation took place with:

·       Capita Treasury Advisors



