Issue - decisions

Dacorum Local Planning Framework Site Allocations Development Plan Document proposed modifications

15/12/2016 - Dacorum Local Planning Framework Site Allocations Development Plan Document Proposed Modifications

1)     The post hearing letter of 1st November 2016 from the Site Allocations Planning Inspector (enclosed as Annex A to the Cabinet report) be noted;


2)     The schedule of Main Modifications, associated changes to the Policies Map (set out in Annex B) and accompanying Sustainability Appraisal Update Report (Annex C) for consultation be agreed;


3)     Authority be delegated to the Assistant Director – Planning, Development and Regeneration (in consultation with the Planning and Regeneration Portfolio Holder) to make any necessary changes to the location of the changes within the Schedules in Annex B to the Cabinet report and renumber accordingly;  agree any additional minor modifications required as a result of the above and to ensure the text of the plan is up-do-date; and


4)     Confirm arrangements for public consultation on the Main Modifications as set out in the report to Cabinet.