Issue - decisions

Enterprise Zone

01/12/2016 - Enterprise Zone

(1)   the Council to progress to formal designation of the Enterprise Zone on 1st April 2017 subject to recommendation 3.


(2)   the Council enters into the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), set out as Appendix 1 of the report, and delegates authority to the Corporate Director (Housing and Regeneration) to sign the MOU


(3)   a further report to be brought before the designation of the Enterprise Zone in April 2017 setting out an analysis of the final business plan and any other matters relating to the viability of the proposal


(4)   That authority be delegated to the Corporate Director (Housing and Regeneration) in consultation with the Corporate Director (Finance and Operations) and the Portfolio Holder for Finance and Resources to vary the terms of the MOU following completion subject to such variations being agreed with the other Enterprise Zone parties.