Issue - decisions

Parking Charges

28/02/2024 - Parking Charges

1.    Cabinet agreed to the proposed parking tariff increases and changes to charging policy as set out in Appendix 1 of this report, these include:


·         Off-Street Parking tariff changes for 2024,

·         Consolidating on-street (car parks) short stay sessions to introduce a new minimum stay of 2 hours,

·         Keep Limited Wait Bays (LWBs) on the peripheries of the high streets in Berkhamsted and Kings Langley as being free to use,

·         Keep all LWBs free in Apsley and Hemel Hempstead Old Town,

·         Introduce charges for LWBs in the centre of Tring and Kings Langley,

·         All chargeable LWBs (on-street parking) in the centre of Berkhamsted, Kings Langley, Tring plus Waterhouse Street and Marlowes to have maximum 1 hour stay with 2 tariffs: 30 mins for £0.80 or 1 hour for £1.50,

·         Hemel Hempstead On-street parking to reduce from the proposed 4 hours to 2 hours in:

·         Alexandra Road;

·         Cemetery Hill;

·         St John’s Road;

·         Cotterells

·         London Road

·         Introduction of an ‘Up to 10 hours’ parking option in off-street parking,

·         Parking charges to apply from 8am – 6pm Monday to Sunday for both on-street and off-street parking,

·         All evening charging to be removed,

·         Kings Langley off-street car parks to remain free but stay limited to a maximum of 4 hours between 8am – 6pm (no time restriction after 6pm),

·         Canal Fields, Berkhamsted, to remain free but stay limited to a maximum of 4 hours between 8am – 6pm (no time restriction after 6pm),

·         The introduction of a change in the TRO to enable customers to extend a parking session by using the Pay By Phone app or the pay machines, but only where this allowed under the parking restrictions (e.g. it will not be possible to extend a parking session past the maximum stay),

·         Opening up part of the upper level of the Water Gardens North car park for public use Mon – Fri,


2.     Cabinet agreed to progress with the statutory consultation on the parking tariffs and charging polices.


3.     Cabinet agreed to delegate authority to the Leader of the Council and the Portfolio Holder for Corporate & Commercial Services to make any final decision on the implementation of the parking tariff increases and changes to charging policy following the statutory consultation.


4.     Cabinet agree that the Leader of the Council liaise  with officers and the Portfolio Holder for Climate and Ecological Emergency to agree the appropriate legal route to enable the enforcement of electric vehicle charge point bays in neighbourhood shopping centres.