Issue - decisions

Q1 Financial Report

05/10/2023 - Q1 Financial Report

1.            Cabinet noted the financial position for 2023-24 as at Quarter 1.




2.            Approved the following revenue budget virement:

·                     £0.100m from the Transformation Service to the Digital service, relating to system licence costs.


3.            Approved the following capital budget virement:

·                     £0.254m from Hemel Garden Community capital projects to support specific capital works at Buncefield Lane (£0.190m) and Grand Union canal improvements (£0.064m).


4.            Approved the following supplementary capital budgets, to be funded by capital grant:

·                     £0.109m for improvement works to tennis courts across the borough.


Resolved to Recommend


5.            Recommend to Council they approve the following additional slippage on the capital programme from 2022-23 :

·                     £1.000m relating to the buy-back of Council Homes purchased under Right to Buy Purchases. 


6.            Recommend to Council they approve the following draw down from the Council’s General Fund revenue reserves:

·                     £0.057m from the Council’s Litigation reserve, to support historic pension settlement costs.