Issue - decisions

PH-012-22-To undertake consultations on the proposal to introduce no waiting restrictions in Cobbetts Ride, Abstacle Hill, Barbers Walk, and Miswell Lane, Tring

12/05/2022 - PH-012-22-To undertake consultations on the proposal to introduce no waiting restrictions in Cobbetts Ride, Abstacle Hill, Barbers Walk, and Miswell Lane, Tring

Decision made and reasons:


1.    To engage consultants to undertake an informal and then statutory consultation on the proposal to introduce no waiting restrictions along the lengths of Cobbetts Ride, Abstacle Hill, Barbers Walk, and Miswell Lane, Tring


·         11:00 to 13:00 Monday to Friday on Cobbetts Ride, Barbers Walk and Abstacle Hill, see plan below.


·         No waiting at any time on the junctions of Barbers Walk/Abstacle Hill and Cobbetts Ride/Abstacle Hill and to complete the junction protection on Miswell Lane opposite the junction to Cobbetts Ride, see plan below. 



2.    To delegate the decision to implement the restriction, if applicable, to the Assistant Director (Legal  and Democratic Services) in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Corporate & Contracted Services.


Having considered the duty imposed under section 122 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, it appears to the local authority that it is necessary and expedient to make an Order in the interests of:


·         avoiding danger to persons or other traffic using the road or any other road or for preventing the likelihood of any such danger arising


·         facilitating the passage on the road or any other road of any class of traffic (including pedestrians)


The reason for the decision is to deter inappropriate parking by commuters using the local shops and facilities