Issue - decisions

PH-007-22-To award a grant of £10,000 to Potten End Cricket Club

12/04/2022 - PH-007-22-To award a grant of £10,000 to Potten End Cricket Club

To award a grant of £10,000 to Potten End Cricket Club


In the Winter round 2021 a community grant application was made Potten End Cricket Club which has received approval at the grants panel meeting on 16 December 2021.


Following several incidences of cricket balls leaving the boundaries of the cricket club and causing damage to local resident’s properties, the Parish Council (Nettleden with Potten End) requested an investigation into the current safety measures in place at the cricket club. One of the cricket boundaries sits close to residential properties, and approximately one ball per game leaves the boundaries of the cricket pitch and lands in one of the gardens adjacent to the playing area. Currently there is a 30m long and 6m high net in place which helps to reduce the number of these incidents.


As part of the investigation, the club paid for a ball trajectory report via the English Cricket Board (ECB). The conclusion of the report is that the only suitable and viable option is a higher net. The report suggests that a 12-13m high net will significantly reduce the majority of incidents. The Parish Council have requested the net is 85m long. They have suggested that the new higher and longer net will meet with approval from their residents and be granted planning permission.


If the club can get financial support for the purchase and installation of the net, the village will benefit from increased opportunities to play cricket, and the club can reintroduce younger teams and training activities. All of which supports the Dacorum Borough Council’s aims in the Sport and Physical Activity Strategy. The club facilities will also be available for a local football club to use for training during the cricket off-season, and for Potten End Primary School’s children to use for Physical Education lessons.


Total project cost £38,000


£10,000 DBC grant

£5,000 contribution from own resources

£5,000 raised from fundraising activities

£18,000 applied for from other funders (English Cricket Board, Sport England, Hertfordshire County Council Locality Fund, Hertfordshire Community Foundation)




Potten End is a traditional village cricket club, located between Berkhamsted and Hemel Hempstead in Hertfordshire. While the official club records only date back to 1926, it is believed that the club was officially formed in 1910 and there was informal cricket in Potten End as early as the 1890’s.


In 2022, the club will have two teams playing in the Herts Saracens League on Saturdays; the first XI will play in Division 5B and the second team will be in regional Division A West. The club’s Sunday fixtures are split between friendly games and some fixtures in the Chess Valley League (division 3).


The club have applied to the community grants scheme for a grant as they do not have the funds to pay for the netting and installation in its entirety. They are contributing funds from their own resources as well as fundraising activities, and they have applied for grants from other funders, namely the English Cricket Board, Sport England, HCC Locality Funding and Hertfordshire Community Foundation.


The proposed installation of safety netting will enable the club to host home games, both as part of leagues and friendly matches, while adhering to the requirements of the Parish Council.


The application was assessed through the Community Grant Scheme, which is specifically set up to support Community, Voluntary, Arts and Sporting groups that benefit the residents of Dacorum.  There are three rounds of Community Grant funding per financial year.  Charities are invited to apply for funding and the applications are assessed by a panel of officers, who will be looking at how well it meets the criteria of the fund; whether the project supports the Councils objectives and how it supports the following five ways to well-being: be active, take notice, learn, give and connect.