Issue - decisions


08/12/2021 - Motions

5.1       Proposed by Cllr Allen and seconded by Cllr Tindall


Given the interest shown by residents for the provision of 20 mph zones in Dacorum, the Council requests the Strategic Planning and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee to review the current procedures, including liaison with Hertfordshire County Council, so that the introduction and maintenance of 20 mph zones is made easier.


A vote was held:


12 For,

21 Against, and

3 Abstentions,


Therefore the Motion failed.


5.2       Proposed by Councillor Symington and seconded by Cllr Barry-Mears


Cllr Symington stated that the Liberal Democrat group has accepted a proposed amendment to the motion in the interests of working collaboratively across the Council to ensure that ending violence against women and children is a clear priority across Dacorum.

The amended motion was as follows:

1. This Council declares:

a.  Enough is enough. This must stop. Male violence against women and girls is an “epidemic” and that “fundamental cross-system change” is urgently needed as recorded in the recent report from HMICFRS.

b. From cradle to grave male violence against women has a pernicious impact on women; it means girls grow up fearing things they should never have to think about, it makes women feel unsafe in all parts of the community, the threat of violence makes women change their behaviour and the experience of violence, directly and indirectly, affects mental health and causes serious physical harm.

c,  Violence isn’t always physical. Misogynistic violence is often mental, coercive and controlling. Like indecent exposure, it is not physically violent, but it is an abuse of power almost always perpetrated by men against women. Often it is the starting point to physical violence.

d,  In the most extreme cases male violence against women ends in murder. Every incident is an atrocious violation of individual rights and dignity.

2.  This Council welcomes:

The recent campaigns #hideandseek from charity Refuge, #Deservetobeheard from charity Women's Aid, mass engagement around the world through the #MeToo movement and the longstanding campaigning and advocacy by coalitions such as the End Violence Against Women Coalition. 

3.  This Council calls for The Leader of the Council, to write to the Home Secretary and Prime Minister:

a. Urging them to immediately declare Misogyny to be a hate crime.

b. Take all necessary action to immediately address the backlog in the courts and put in place the funding required so in future the criminal justice system deals with cases promptly so victims get justice and move on with their lives and the rehabilitation of the criminal can happen sooner.

c. Review investment in victims’ services, including in refuges, mental health services and legal aid support for all victims of domestic abuse and in particular of male violence against women.

4.  Further, this Council calls for The Leader of the Council, to write to both the Hertfordshire Police and Crime Commissioner and Chief Constable:

a. To ask what steps they are taking to review safeguarding and vetting procedures and misconduct processes in Hertfordshire Police in light of what has been learnt during the sentencing of a serving metropolitan police officer on 30 September 2021.

b.  To ask whether they will review the wider workforce culture in relation to violence against women and girls.

c. Urging Hertfordshire Police formally to record Misogyny as a hate crime.

Cllr Barry-Mears seconded the motion.

A vote was held:

It was unanimously agreed.

Therefore the motion was carried.