Issue - decisions

Cabinet referrals

30/04/2021 - Cabinet referrals


That the following be approved:

16 March 2021


7.1       CA/026/21       HRA BUSINESS PLAN



1.    That Council approve the updated Housing Revenue Account Business Plan 2021/24

2.     That Council to approve the revised development programme budgets as set out in Section 9.3.


A vote was held:


26 For,

0 Against,

12 Abstain,


Therefore the decision was agreed.

16 March 2021


7.2       CA/027/21       INDEPENDENT REMUNERATION PANEL 2020


That Council approves the changes to the Members’ Allowances Scheme as recommended by the Independent Remuneration Panel in its report.


A vote was held:


34 For,

0 Against,

5 Abstain,


Therefore the decision was agreed.