Issue - decisions

Cabinet referrals

26/01/2021 - Cabinet referrals


That the following be approved:

24 November 2020


8.1  CA/101/20            Budget Monitoring Q2




That the budget monitoring position for each of the above accounts be considered and:


1.   The approval of the revised capital programme to move £2.409m slippage identified at Quarter 2 into financial year 2021/22 as detailed in Appendix C.

2.   The approval of supplementary revenue budgets as follows:

·         Supplementary budget of £300k in the Local Development Framework (LDF) budget to fund the costs of producing the Local Plan, to be funded from the LDF reserve.

·         Supplementary budget of £30k in the Waste Development employee’s budget to fund a Recycling Officer post, to be funded from the Management of Change reserve.

3.   The approval of supplementary capital budgets as follows:

·         Additional capital budget of £180k in the Commercial Assets and Property Development budget to fund the costs of completion of the new Bunkers Farm cemetery, to be funded from a contribution from West Herts Crematorium Joint Committee.

·         Additional capital budget of £210k in the Leisure service to fund a Multi-Use Games Area at The Hemel Hempstead School.

·         Additional capital budget of £70k to fund audio-visual improvement works at The Forum.


8.2  CA/102/20            Covid-19 Impact Report




The approval of £76,000 (over two years) additional funding for Citizens Advice Dacorum.


15 December 2020


8.3  CA/112/20           Treasury Management Mid-Year Performance Report




The acceptance of the Cabinet report on mid-year treasury management performance and prudential indicators for 2020/21.

8.4  CA/113/20            Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy




1        That the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance definition of antisemitism be adopted as set out in the report and the illustrative examples that are presented alongside.

2.     That the new post for a Diversity and Community Inclusion Officer be included as   part of the 2021/22 budget as set out in section 5 of this report.


8.5  CA/115/20            Committee Timetable 2021/22



The approval of the Meeting Timetable for 2021/22 as set out in Appendix A to the Cabinet report.