Issue - decisions

Help to Rent Policy and Housing Allocation Policy Amendments

30/09/2020 - Help to Rent Policy and Housing Allocation Policy Amendments

Decision:  To approve the amendments to Help to Move and Housing Allocation Policies, as detailed in this decision sheet.


Reason: To ensure the best use of the social housing stock and enable it to be allocated to those most in need.


Background to report:


  1. Changes have been made to the Help to Move Policy (which is replacing the Moving to a smaller Home Policy) to reflect the current demand on council properties and we would like to implement changes with immediate effect.


  1. In order for the Allocation Policy to support and work alongside the new Help to Rent Policy, minor amendments are required to existing Allocations Policy which are detailed within this report.


  1. The report is also proposing additional changes to our Allocations Policy to review points awarded to applicants living in a parental home with no other housing need and those that are homeless or at risk of homelessness.   This is to ensure that we continue to ensure that properties are allocated to those with the greatest housing need and will help address the demand for one bedroom accommodation.