Issue - decisions

Budget Monitoring Q3

13/02/2020 - Budget Monitoring Q3


1.    Consider the budget monitoring position for each of the above accounts;

2.    Recommend to Council approval of the revised capital programme to move £4.956m slippage identified at Quarter 3 into financial year 2020/21 as detailed in Appendix C;

3.    Recommend to Council approval of supplementary revenue budgets funded from reserves:

·         Supplementary budget of £40k in the Neighbourhood Delivery service, funded from the Management of Change reserve, to fund interim resource to support delivery of new service initiatives

·         Additional budget of £30k in the Elections service, funded from drawdown of £30k from the Election reserve

·         Supplementary budget in the Planning service of £103k to fund the revenue costs of implementation of new Planning software, funded from the Planning & Regeneration reserve

·         Supplementary budget of £170k to fund costs relating to the Hand Arm Vibration legal case, to be funded from the Litigation Reserve.

·         Supplementary budget of £28k in Waste Services to fund consultancy work to support service improvements, funded from the Management of Change reserve

·         Supplementary budget of £80k in the garages employees budget to fund interim resource, funded from the Invest to Save reserve

·         Supplementary budget of £60k to fund one-off expenditure for a garage stock condition survey, funded from the Invest to Save reserve

4.    Recommend to Council approval of supplementary capital budgets required to deliver several service changes as set out below:

·         A capital budget of £66k to fund replacement boilers at Berkhamsted Leisure Centre

·         A capital budget of £55k to fund new poolside flooring at Berkhamsted Leisure Centre

·         Additional capital budget of £598k in the Affordable Housing Development fund, funded from Housing one-for-one (‘1-4-1’) receipts


5.    Recommend to Council additional reserves drawdowns as set out below:

·         Drawdown of £1,750k from the Vehicle Replacement Reserve to fund capital investment in the Council’s waste fleet

·         Drawdown of £8k from Tring Swimming Pool reserve to fund capital works at the site.

6.    Approve a capital virement of £900k to reallocate budget for the acquisition of Eastwick Row from the HRA New Build General budget to the Eastwick Row budget

7.    Agree the annual update of the Council’s flexible use of capital receipts strategy at Appendix D of this report.