Issue - decisions


20/09/2019 - Motion

A motion was proposed by Cllr Tindall and seconded by Cllr England;


‘This Council notes that the introduction of Universal Credit has led to a number of circumstances which have had an adverse effect on the more vulnerable members of our communities.

It further notes that it has been necessary for the County Council to foster Holiday Clubs with the provision of food in order to ensure that disadvantaged children are provided for so as to counter unhealthy holidays and social isolation.

This council recognises that a greater reliance is being placed upon Food Banks and is aware that the Dacorum Food Bank is struggling to fulfil the demands upon it. 


·        The Council asks the Cabinet to make arrangements to support the continuation of the Food Bank by working with DENS to a greater extent, and

·        Given that the position of Coordinator of the Food Bank is of crucial importance, the Cabinet is further asked to make provisions in the Council's budget for 2020/2021 for financial assistance in the maintenance of this post. 

·        Further as a matter of urgency, the Cabinet is asked to make the necessary arrangements for the early commencement of this funding from 1st October with an appropriate financial transfer from the 2019/2020 reserves’



A recorded vote took place, full details of voting can be found in the minutes under Item 5.


Total votes for                   17

Total votes against  27

Total abstaining       1


Mayor declared the motion lost