Issue - decisions

Q2 Financial Report

16/11/2018 - Q2 Financial Report

  1. That the budget monitoring position for each of the above accounts be noted.


2. That Cabinet recommends to Council the approval of the revised capital programme to move £2.8m slippage identified at Quarter 2 into financial year 2019/20 as detailed in Appendix C;


3. That Cabinet recommends to Council the approval of the one off supplementary budgets required to deliver several service changes as set out below. These will be funded by use of the Management of change reserve. Details for these supplementary budgets are set out in the body of the report and have a net nil impact on the General Fund Working Balance:


  • A one off Increase to the Planning service budget of £90k to support the implementation of new and improved planning software.


  • A one-off increase to the Adventure Playground service employees budget by £80k to support costs incurred of restructuring the service.


  • An increase in the Neighbourhood Delivery employees budget by £80k to meet one off pension strain costs arising from the consolidation of the management team.


4. Approval of the virement detailed in Appendix D to realign New Build capital budgets to support the progress of new housing developments.