Committee attendance

Housing and Community Overview and Scrutiny, 4 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Gbola Adeleke 2
Councillor Julie Banks 3
Councillor Edward Barradell 2
Councillor Sammy Barry-Mears 4
Councillor Michela Capozzi 0
Councillor Toni Cox 1
Councillor David Deacon 0
Councillor Simy Dhyani 3
Councillor Nigel Durrant 1
Councillor Alan Johnson 3
Councillor Brenda Link 2
Councillor Carrie Link 1
Councillor Catherine McArevey 0
Councillor John Mottershead 0
Councillor Barbara Pesch 4
Councillor Goverdhan Silwal PhD 1
Councillor Lara Pringle 3
Councillor Victoria Santamaria 2
Councillor Caroline Smith-Wright 3
Councillor Garrick Stevens 2
Councillor Carole Weston 1
Councillor Belinda Williams 4