Agenda item

Health & Safety Policies




To approve the following policies and management plan documents, as provided as appendices to the Cabinet Report;


Appendix 1:        Working at Height Policy


Appendix 2:        The Noise at Work Policy


Appendix 3:        Whole Body Vibration


Appendix 4,        The Electricity at Work Policy and Portable

4a and 5:            Appliance Testing Policy


Appendix 6:        Bonfire Policy


Appendix 7         Corporate Asbestos Management Plan and

& 8:                     Housing Asbestos Management Plans


Appendix 9:        Legionella Management System


Appendix 10:      Lone Working Policy


Appendix 11:      Hazardous Substances Policy 


Reason for decision


To provide members with information on how Officers propose to manage Health and Safety risks across the Council.


Corporate objectives


A clean, safe and enjoyable environment

Improving safety of employees, elected members, those that work with the Council and for members of the public that are effected by the Council’s work activity. 


Delivering an efficient and modern council

Optimise Resources and Implement Best Practice.


Monitoring Officer/S.151 Officer comments


Monitoring Officer:  

The policies will help to ensure that the Council is meeting its statutory obligations.  Training for relevant staff and ongoing compliance monitoring will be essential to ensure that the policies are properly implemented.


S.151 Officer:

The financial costs of implementing the Health and safety policies has been specifically factored into the 2018/19 budgets, with the inclusion of a £50,000 growth budget.




Cllr Marshall introduced the report, advising that following a County Audit of our H&S arrangements, the management of H&S moved from Human Resources to Regulatory Services, where there are a greater number of H&S qualified staff.  A new lead officer post was created and a thorough review undertaken of all our policies during the last year.


Cllr Marshall advised that the report is asking Cabinet to approve the policies and the management plan included in report.


The Chair invited questions.


Cllr Elliot referred to ‘full body vibration’ and sought clarification.  DAustin advised that there are two types of vibration that can be suffered; the first being hand arm from small machines and at the next step, full body, which is more likely suffered by drivers of larger grass cutting vehicles etc.  DAustin explained that we are obliged to carry out monitoring of vibration during day to ensure it is not above the acceptable threshold. 


Recommendations agreed.





Supporting documents: