Agenda item

Premises Licence Application under the Licensing Act 2003


The Sub-Committee were required to consider an application for grant of a premises licence for the following premises:

The Craft Yard

The Cottage

Parsonage Place



HP23 5AT


The Chairman introduced himself, the members on the Sub-Committee and the officers present.


The Chairman asked the members of the Sub-Committee to confirm that they had read the agenda and advise if they had visited the premises.  Councillor Bassadone confirmed she had read the agenda and visited the premises. Councillor Link confirmed she had read the agenda but hadn’t visited the premises. 


The Chairman asked S Mcdonald if the legal requirements had been complied with and S Mcdonald confirmed they had.


The Chairman asked S Mcdonald if she had anything to add to the report.


S Mcdonald explained that the sub-committee had before them an application for the variation of a premises licence for The Craft Yard, Parsonage Place, Tring. The application and accompanying documents were set out on page 6 of the agenda onwards. The applicant and all parties that had made representations had been invited to attend and address the sub-committee. One person had confirmed their attendance, and their representation was set out at Annex D1 on page 38 of the agenda.


To update the sub-committee, following discussions with the applicant the representation made on behalf of the Licensing Authority and set out at Annex D3  on page 40 of the agenda had been withdrawn, subject to amendment of the Licence operating schedule to include a number of conditions should the application be granted. These conditions had been circulated. The Licensing Team Leader, Ross Hill, was present to answer any points on this that required clarification.


The options available to the sub-committee were set out at paragraph 4.1 of the report, and members were reminded that any steps taken should be considered appropriate in order to promote one or more of the licensing objectives. Furthermore, the sub-committee needed to give clear reasons for any decision made.


The Chairman invited Mr Cox to express his concerns with the sub-committee.


Mr Cox explained that he owned the property opposite The Craft Yard and they rented it out to a dance school. He advised that most of the females in the dance school were under 18 years of age and that was a concern to them if the premises were to extend the opening hours. He was concerned that if there were any problems the dance school wouldn’t rent the premises from them anymore. He was also concerned about the noise disturbance of people leaving the premises late as his property was so close to the premises, and also the road was very tight and the parking was restricted.


The Chairman asked what time the dancers usually finished at the premises. Mr Cox advised approximately 7.00-8.00 pm.


The Chairman invited the Applicant to make his submission to the sub-committee.


Mr Peter explained that the request for extended opening hours was based on the demand for private functions since they opened in June this year. He advised that most of their customers were 30+ years of age and they hadn’t received any complaints from neighbours so far. He said he didn’t want to upset anyone and regularly spoke to the neighbours about their concerns. He added that they always encouraged customers to leave via the rear of the premises which led out on to the High Street so that the customers didn’t disturb the local residents.


R Hill explained he had withdrawn his representations on the basis that customers vacate the premises via the rear exit as that addressed a lot of his concerns. He advised that he had met with the Applicants the previous Thursday and they had agreed to conditions which had been circulated to the committee.


Councillor Bassadone asked Mr Cox if the dancers used the footpath leading to the High Street. Mr Cox advised they used Parsonage Place.


Councillor Bassadone asked if there was any parking. Mr Peter advised that there wasn’t any parking and the road was quite tight.


Councillor Bassadone asked if there was any parking for the Conservative club, Victoria Hall or The Akeman. R Hill advised there were a few spaces opposite The Akeman but that was it apart from the local car parks.


There were no further questions.




The Sub-Committee carefully considered the application, the written representations received, and the verbal representations made by both the applicant and an objector at the hearing.


The objector, a local property owner, had concerns that the later opening times would have a detrimental effect on his tenants’ well-being, and that the variation may affect his ability to let his properties, in particular his current letting arrangements with Tring Park School for their under-18 pupils.


The representation from Tring Town Council centred around planning considerations, namely that the operation of the premises was changing to that of a pub.  However, planning matters are not relevant considerations of the Sub-Committee and could therefore not be taken into account.


The Sub-Committee took account of the statement made by the applicant regarding the type and age range of clientele the premises attracts, the fact they will in general be maintaining their existing business model, using the extended hours only for specific booked events, and their intention to advise their neighbours prior to each event.  It was also noted that the applicants will continue to encourage their customers to depart from the premises using the rear entrance/exit, which leads directly to Tring High Street.


This statement, in addition to the amendments to the operating schedule, discussed and agreed prior to the meeting in response to a representation made by the Licensing Authority, satisfied the Sub-Committee that it would not be inappropriate to grant the variation application.


It was therefore resolved that the application for a variation of premises licence should be granted, in respect of the supply of alcohol only, subject to relevant mandatory conditions, conditions consistent with the operating schedule, and the following additional conditions:


No alcohol supplied at the premises shall be permitted to be consumed in exterior areas associated with the premises after 22:00 hours. Any glassware left behind in exterior areas after 22:00 hours shall be collected by staff for disposal.


The licence-holder shall risk assess any events which will proceed beyond 21:30 hours, and where considered appropriate shall employ a minimum of 2 door security personnel, licensed or otherwise authorised by the Security Industry Authority, at the premises during any event which terminates later than 21:30 hours. Such personnel shall be present from no later than 21:30 hours until such time as all customers have departed the licensed premises.


Staff shall regularly monitor noise levels from the licensed premises at the boundary of nearby residential properties, and shall take appropriate action to ensure that such levels do not give rise to nuisance to occupiers of those premises.


The premises’ windows and doors on Parsonage Place shall be kept closed at all times after 21:30 hours, save for immediate ingress and egress.


Toilet and hygiene facilities shall be made available for use by customers throughout the permitted hours.


Persons booking the premises for private functions shall be clearly advised either verbally or within booking documentation as to parking and transport facilities in Tring town centre, and shall be discouraged from parking in the vicinity of the premises.


Customers shall be encouraged by staff to disperse from the vicinity of the premises after egress.


Details of a local licensed taxi service shall be provided to customers upon request.


No waste materials, including waste glassware or empty bottles, shall be deposited in external bins between 22:00 and 08:00 hours daily. Such waste shall be stored in the premises until the following day.


A refusals log shall be maintained at the premises, and completed with details of all instances where sales of alcohol or admission to the premises, for any reason, are refused. Entries shall include, as a minimum, a description of the person who has been refused, the reason for refusal, the date and time of refusal, and the member of staff who made the refusal. The log shall be made available for inspection upon the reasonable request of an authorised officer of the licensing authority or a police officer.




Supporting documents: