Agenda item

Q2 Performance Report - Performance, People & Innovation


The Chair introduced Item 10, the Performance and Risk Report and invited Cllr Harden to present it.


Cllr Harden said Members were concerned at the last meeting about how the complaint process had produced ‘reds’ within the performance and they asked R Smyth if it would be red next time.  Cllr Harden congratulated the team as the performance data at both Stage 1 and Stage targets were within target.  The Chair invited questions on this report.


Cllr Mclean referred to Page 61, point 2.1 of the Agenda pack, noting the sickness absence figures.  He stated the figures were disappointing and asked for clarification over what period the 318.75 days had been calculated and received confirmation that the figures were over the last quarter.  He asked what this figure is as a percentage. M Rawdon said that the target is 8 days per FTE; he would need to work out as a percentage.


Action Point: M Rawdon to calculate 318.75 days of Sickness Absence as a percentage.


Cllr McLean also asked for an explanation of the intended robust management process; he expressed concern that sick people could, and should, not be forced back to work. M Rawdon explained the Sickness Absence Scrutiny Group looked at every sickness case over the previous month to ensure DBC was acting in line with its procedures; this also enabled them to identify any trends or triggers.  This meant if there was a concerning trend, this can be quickly addressed; he said that over the last year, it had reduced the sickness, however the figures had risen over the last few months.  M Rawdon said that other initiatives were also being looked at to try and reduce sickness.


Cllr Harden said that over recent years the HR team have put in a great deal of work to try and resolve the issues.  He wanted to reassure the Committee that as Portfolio holder, he also received a breakdown of what the issues or conditions were, and that this information was then reviewed with Officers at Portfolio meetings.  He also highlighted that DBC had introduced a wellbeing programme, as well as mental health first aiders to provide support for mental health issues. This was to try and address stress or anxiety before it becomes a sickness issue.  Cllr Harden said the positive steps that the team had taken were extremely encouraging.


Cllr Mclean said this was to be applauded.  He asked if any particular trigger had been identified, e.g., the move to The Forum; he asked if it had worsened since then. He said that with increased emphasis on work from home, he wondered if some staff missed the camaraderie and support of working together. He also acknowledged the other people may prefer more flexible working.


M Rawdon said that in terms of The Forum, this had been reviewed and there was no difference in the sickness figures; indeed it had actually improved over the last 9 to 10 months.  M Rawdon said that the purpose of the Sickness Absence Scrutiny Group was to look at the triggers to prevent people going off sick, rather than reacting to the situation when they are off sick. 


R Smyth added that a survey had been carried out following the move to The Forum, and that the satisfaction levels were high within the working environment. The Chair added that in his journeys around the County, The Forum and how it works was held as a beacon of exciting good practice and innovative working.


Cllr Tindall asked that given the national statistics with domestic abuse and the number of staff at DBC, it was likely there were approximately 50 employees who may have problems at home. He asked where an individual was suffering from anxiety or stress, if HR sensitively explored the impact of their home life as well. M Rawdon confirmed this. He explained that part of the procedure was for Managers to keep in touch.  He acknowledged that there was only a certain amount of information that people were willing to share, but that managers were trained managers to have open and frank discussions with staff.  M Rawdon said there was also a ‘return to work’ interview, which does attempt to find out any significant information.  He also explained that DBC have domestic violence training for managers and staff across the organisation. 


R Smyth re-iterated the mental health first aiders so staff could talk to trained staff.  He also highlighted the Employee Assistance Programme, where staff were able to access support about a range of issues, including domestic abuse. Cllr Tindall said that if any manager wanted assistance, particularly with items relating domestic abuse, they could contact him and he would provide any additional support or information that he was able. M Rawdon and R Smyth thanked Cllr Tindall.


The Chair referred to Page 63, 2.1.5 refers to the replacement of existing PCs, he asked if Officers could elaborate.


B Trueman explained that DBC was coming to the end of the life cycle with its current set of hardware; he said it was 5 years since the laptops/PCs had been replaced.  He said that as they would shortly be out of warranty, DBC would start to replace them.  He said that a tender process had taken place, looking at different types of equipment for different people. The Chair asked DBC would be replacing the entire stock. B Trueman confirmed this, saying this process would take at least 12 months. 


Following a further question from the Chair, B Trueman said that it would be a mixture of sizes and devices, depending on what staff needed them for, e.g. working from home, in The Forum or predominantly in the field.  R Smyth had brought examples of the devices to the meeting, and showed the different choices and explained their uses. The Chair asked which of those devices would be most appropriate for elected Members. B Trueman said there would be a formal assessment and evaluation in the next financial year, but there was a growth bid in the budget cycle for replacing iPads with almost certainly the Surface type devices in 2019/20.


Outcome: At the invitation of the Chairman, the Committee agreed the contents and recommendations of Performance, People & Innovation for Quarter two 2017/2018.

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