Agenda item

Provisional Outturn Report 2014/15


R Baker, Group Manager (Financial Services), presented his report to the Committee. He mentioned that sections 2-4 were the General Fund Revenue Account, Section 6 provided the Non – Controllable Expenditure, Section 7 provided details of the Housing Revenue Account (HRA), Section 8 provided the Provisional Capital Outturn information and Section 9 provided the Balances and Reserves accounts.




Councillor Anderson pointed out to the Committee that each year the Council achieves an underspend on the General Revenue Fund which involved the amount of ½ million, and expressed his concern that this was a lot of money. He asked how this would affect the Councils finances if the Council were to set up a reserve specifically stating what Members could use.


D Skinner said that are a number of different approaches to take and agreed with Councillor Andersons point that the amount of money as a surplus is a positive point. If the funds were put into a reserve then it would have to go to the appropriate governance aspects to access the reserve, therefore it may potentially delay the speed of some of the projects that it could be used for.


Councillor Birnie asked if it would be possible to set up a separate head under the General Fund and via some of the surpluses in the financial year.


D Skinner explained that the earlier and more accurate the projection is then the existing budget could be used and the funds moved around.


Councillor Douris referred to page 82, 4.1 and the low level of staff turnover. He said this was to be applauded as it provided consistency within the organisation.

4.3 – A surplus of £250k on car parking; Councillor Douris asked if this surplus meant that Hemel Hempstead and the whole of Dacorum is a more exciting place to come and visit and use our car parks, and therefore spend money in our car parks and spend money in our Borough.


R Baker said that he would explain the reasoning behind this and inform Members before the next meeting.


Councillor Douris referred to 5.2 and the saving of £70k in the Homelessness Service and asked if this was partly due to the Dens project on the Redbourn Road.


R Baker confirmed that at this stage it has nothing to do with the new project on the Redbourn Road.


Councillor Douris referred to the Car parking and the footfall. He asked if there are measurements from those who take them and do we know exactly what the footfall is.


R Baker said that he would come back to the Committee with an answer for the next meeting.


The Chairman made reference to page 86 and the £500k uninsured losses relating to insurance claims from tenants for damages to buildings and water leaks. He asked if this had any connection with subsidence or if this was a separate matter.


R Baker confirmed that this was a separate issue.


R Baker said that he would get back to the committee with regards to the £500k uninsured losses relating to insurance claims from tenants for damages to buildings and water leaks.




1.    R Baker to inform the Committee with regards to the Car Parking and of the no of footfall in Hemel Hempstead.

2.    R Baker to provide the committee with feedback regarding the £500k uninsured losses relating to insurance claims from tenants for damages to buildings and water leaks.





The Committee noted the report.


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