Agenda item

Town Centre Management Strategy Update, including Outdoor Trading


1.               That the action taken to deliver the Town Centre Strategy as detailed in the Cabinet report be noted.


2.               The approach to future Town Centre Management post March 2016 be agreed


3.               The draft Pavement Strategy for outdoor trading as set out in the Cabinet report be agreed


1.               That the action taken to deliver the Town Centre Strategy as detailed in the Cabinet report be noted.


2.               The approach to future Town Centre Management post March 2016 be agreed


3.               The draft Pavement Strategy for outdoor trading as set out in the Cabinet report be agreed


Reason for Decision


To update Cabinet on the work that has been undertaken on the Town Centre Strategy since it was adopted in October 2014, approve the approach to be taken to the management of the town centre post March 2016 and to approve draft pavement strategy.





Two members of staff were revenue funded for a two year period over 2014-2016. In this time it was investigated as to how town centre management could be funded externally through the form of a BID (Business Improvement District).  This is a lengthy process, and whilst steps are being taken to seek a BID for the town centre, Officers have investigated potential additional sources of revenue income. This report highlights a ‘Pavement Strategy’ to achieve income through consents for street trading. It is estimated that the net impact of these will generate around £38,000 of additional revenue generated.


Value for Money


This project has enhanced both how we use and maintain assets within the town centre by either prolonging the life of the assets though improved maintenance or by bringing in additional income by making better use of the assets. There have also been more events held, bringing in large numbers of people and significant increases in trade on the days of the events.


Risk Implications


With the additional funding for the town centre soon to be finished certain services/activities will have to be resourced if they are wanted to continue or will have to cease from happening.


Equalities Implications

None identified.


Health And Safety Implications

None identified.


Corporate Objectives

The regeneration of Hemel Hempstead Town Centre forms a key part of the “Regeneration” & “Dacorum Delivers” corporate objectives.


The Town Centre Strategy details the plans for the town centre until 2017.  It delivers the potential to maintain and grow the economy of the town centre by enabling opportunities to come forward, attracting new inward investment, continuing and enhancing business support services and looking to maximise the financial contributions of council assets within the town centre.



The Portfolio Holder for Planning and Regeneration thanked the team for the excellent report. He explained that regeneration in the town was now well underway. The Clean, Safe and Green teams were involved with the town and market management. He added that part of the report focussed on the pavement strategy and monitoring businesses conducting trade on the pavements. If this was adopted it would bring in more revenue to the borough. He felt this was a strong, robust policy which he was happy to recommend to Cabinet.

The Assistant Director for Planning, Development & Regeneration noted that resources are in place to continue working on the action plan set out in the Town Centre Strategy until March 2016.  From then, and in the absence of resources from a future BID levy, there will be a need to prioritise what the Council is able to continue to provide in the town centre from established core budgets. Therefore points to note were included as part of paragraph 4 of the report to Cabinet.


The Portfolio Holder for Residents & Corporate Services referred to paragraph 5 of the report and the £38,000 which could be generated through promotional space bookings each year. He asked what the current revenue was for these space bookings.

The Assistant Team Leader for Strategic Planning & Regeneration said this was currently limited as no one was actively promoting it. He felt it could be between £5-10k. The council use a company to help promote these spaces, which it did not pay for, however received any income generated.


The Leader of the Council asked if there was anything the council could do to minimise and control the amount of people who carry out surveys etc. on the streets.

The Assistant Team Leader for Strategic Planning & Regeneration explained that they were allowed to operate in the town 2 days per week. However, they did operate outside of these times but it was hard to enforce as it was a voluntary agreement with the trade policy. The strategy being considered did not cover this area.


It was believed that there were policies that could restrict their trade, for instance Enfield Council had good examples.


The Leader of the Council asked if a by-law could be introduced to help manage the situation.

The Assistant Director for the Chief Executives Unit said the options could be explored and a by-law could be introduced to grant permissions to be in the town centre on certain days.


The Portfolio Holder for Finance and Resources referred to paragraph 7.4.2 of the report. In particular, how the Saturday market would complement the market offer in the Marlowes pedestrian area of the town centre and help to drive footfall to the Old Town High Street, supporting businesses in that area. He asked how the footfall would be increased.

The Assistant Director for Planning, Development & Regeneration said it was the intention to offer different foods, more specialised on a Saturday, which would possibly start in December.

The Leader of the Council said this would be complimentary rather than competitive.


The Portfolio Holder for Planning and Regeneration said that food markets in Hertfordshire were very well supported and this would therefore benefit the town.


The Assistant Team Leader for Strategic Planning & Regeneration confirmed that the Clean, Safe and Green teams were involved and were aware when the markets would be operating.



Consultation took place with:

·       David Austin, Assistant Director, Neighbourhood Delivery

·        Craig Thorpe, Group Manager (Environmental Services)






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