Agenda item

Staff Terms and Conditions


Resolved to recommend:

  • the approval of the changes to staff terms and conditions detailed in section 3 of the report to Cabinet and these changes be implemented subject to 30 days’ written notice.





Resolved to recommend:

  • the approval of the changes to staff terms and conditions detailed in section 3 of the report to Cabinet and these changes be implemented subject to 30 days’ written notice.

Reason for decision


For Cabinet to approve the changes to staff terms and conditions and recommend to Council that these are implemented.    


Corporate objectives


Delivering a modern and efficient Council – To ensure our existing terms and conditions are modern and attractive for staff whilst also offering value for residents.


Monitoring Officer/Deputy S.151 Officer comments


Monitoring Officer: Appropriate consultation has been carried out on the proposed changes and responses have been considered before finalising this report. As noted in the report the trade union do not support the proposed change to redundancy rates and therefore there is a risk, which members will note, relating to possible industrial action in relation to this change.

Deputy S.151 Officer: The increased deficit contribution of £50k per annum would need to be built into the Medium Term Financial Strategy to ensure that the deficit can be recovered.




Councillor Harden introduced the report and explained the change in terms and conditions was to ensure they are modern and good value for money for both employees and residents. He ran through the changes and said this has been communicated to staff via staff briefings and written communication. The trade unions have also been consulted.


Councillor Williams said any changes to terms and conditions have an effect on staff. He asked if the consultation with the trade unions had highlighted any areas of concern.

M Rawdon said they had formally met with both Unison and Unite. They have agreed to all the changes except the reduction in redundancy pay. The current position is that the trade unions have told the council that they will be in formal dispute unless this is changed and will be balloting their members regarding this issue in the future.


Councillor Marshall understood the concerns raised regarding the reduction in redundancy pay but said the current package is out of kilter with what is offered elsewhere and it would be inappropriate to not change it. Councillor Marshall questioned the lease car changes and asked what the consequences were of a consolidated payment.

R Smyth said the car allowance would be consolidated into the salary so it will be subject to tax and pension.

Councillor Marshall asked if this would result in uneven salaries paid for similar graded posts.

J Deane said the car allowance is only paid at Band 11 and above. The car allowance scheme was non pensionable so by consolidating it into the salary, it becomes pensionable. There will be a net nil impact for the Council.


Councillor Marshall referred to page 334 and asked if officers could provide examples of how the Council is promoting staff health and well-being.

R Smyth said there are a number of initiatives. One is to produce a series of posters to encourage staff to use the stairs not the lifts etc. The Herts Workplace Challenge is online to support and encourage staff. Also, the benefits of flexible working will be further promoted and there will be a series of staff conferences to highlight these initiatives.


Councillor Marshall asked if there was a staff call centre in place.

M Rawdon said there was and this was accessible 24/7. They can help and advise with financial, mental and physically problems.

Councillor Marshall asked what the take up was.

M Rawdon said he didn’t have any statistics but believed it is well used. He said he was happy to provide this information.

Councillor Marshall said she was pleased to see it was well used but on the other hand, it was concerning it was well used and there must be underlying issues.

R Smyth said they see it is as a positive as staff are accessing help and advice. He said the Council assess and provide assistance to staff at work as part of an all-round package.


Councillor Tindall said there has been a demographic change with an increase in the older population. He asked if there was a record of staff that are carers and do the Council provide any special arrangements to help them.

M Rawdon said this information was available. Support is offered to staff and said he would be happy to take this point away and see how further help can be provided. Time off for carer responsibilities is built into the flexible working policy.

S Marshall said the Council do have a Carers policy.


Councillor Williams said this change was not designed to make the Council massive savings. There are currently 11 different mileage rates and this change strikes a fair balance. He said he recognised that the trade unions agreed the majority of changes and the one change that has failed to reach an agreement is not hugely different to the norm across the public sector. The Council have not been in the position of making large scale redundancies but the reduced rate allows for a better value for money for the tax payers.






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