Agenda item

Grovehill Neighbourhood Plan


1) That the formal submission be accepted and confirmed legally compliant and submitted for external independent examination.


2) That authority be delegated to the Assistant Director (Planning, Development and Regeneration) in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Planning and Regeneration, to consider the examiner’s report, make any amendments that

may be identified in the examiner’s report and submit the Grovehill Future Neighbourhood Plan to local referendum





1) That the formal submission be accepted and confirmed legally compliant and submitted for external independent examination.


2) That authority be delegated to the Assistant Director (Planning, Development and Regeneration) in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Planning and Regeneration, to consider the examiner’s report, make any amendments that may be identified in the examiner’s report and submit the Grovehill Future Neighbourhood Plan to local referendum


Reason for Decision


To acknowledge receipt and acceptance of the formal submission of the Grovehill Future Neighbourhood Plan and obtain approval to progress to external Inspection and Referendum

Corporate Objectives

The Grovehill Future Neighbourhood Plan supports the Council’s vision and in particular the corporate objectives of building community capacity, regeneration and affordable housing.


Monitoring Officer/S.151 Officer Comments


Monitoring Officer:


The Council has a duty to support a Neighbourhood Forum in the preparation of a Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP). This includes providing technical support expertise and resources. The Council is also responsible for arranging an independent Inspection of the NDP and to meet the cost of the Inspection.


If the NDP meets all the necessary criteria it can only come into being if more than 50% of those voting in a referendum vote in favour of it. If the referendum is in favour of the NDP it must be adopted by the Council. The Council is responsible for arranging the referendum which must take place in the Grovehill Neighbourhood Area and this process will be organised by the Election’s team


Deputy S.151 Officer


There are no direct immediate financial implications for the council. The project will need to be positively monitored to ensure that it can be contained within the grant anticipated from the CLG.


Any future plans will need to be developed within the normal council financial planning processes and be submitted for consideration as part of the Medium Term Financial planning cycle.



Councillor Sutton explained that the report was to enable the consultation process to start.

J Doe added that this was the first neighbourhood plan in Dacorum. It had been prepared and submitted to the council and it would then go to an independent examiner. The consultation process was required and the recommendation sought delegation be given to the Assistant Director and Portfolio Holder for Planning and Regeneration to set the timescales. It was proposed that consultation may begin in the middle of June.


Councillor Williams asked if it was envisaged that there would be a potential referendum in September/October.

J Doe explained that the dates would be dependant on the outcome of the examiners conclusions; therefore the timing of the referendum couldn’t be estimated. It was confirmed that DBC would have control over setting the date.


Councillor Williams asked if the council had looked over the neighbourhood plan for any potential flaws.

J Doe confirmed that officers carried out technical checks against policy and the law.


Councillor Marshall was impressed at the level of work and commitment of the Grovehill residents and the outcomes it had produced.


Councillor Sutton thanked all those involved for their input.




Supporting documents: