Agenda item

Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document: Clarification Statement


Resolved to Recommend to:

(a)   Re-adopt the Affordable Housing Clarification Note as a material planning consideration in relevant planning decisions and for use in the preparation of future planning documents; and

(b)   That authority is delegated to the Assistant Director, Planning, Development and Regeneration to make any necessary minor editorial changes to the current Clarification Note, prior to its re-issue.




Resolved to Recommend to:

(a)   Re-adopt the Affordable Housing Clarification Note as a material planning consideration in relevant planning decisions and for use in the preparation of future planning documents; and

(b)   That authority is delegated to the Assistant Director, Planning, Development and Regeneration to make any necessary minor editorial changes to the current Clarification Note, prior to its re-issue.


Reason for Decision


To agree the re-adoption of the Affordable Housing Clarification Note setting out how the Council will apply the changes to national affordable housing policy set recent changes to the national Planning Practice Guidance (PPG), and as a result of a Court of Appeal judgement. 





There are no direct financial implications for the Council in relation to this guidance note, although there will be a limited number of cases where the revised approach to affordable housing may reduce the ability to secure either on-site provision or commuted payments.  The requirements to apply ‘vacant building credit’ may also reduce CIL income.


The application of the Clarification Note will however assist in the efficient determination of planning applications within the statutory decision periods, which will assist with the overall financial efficiency of the planning service.   It will also reduce the risk of the Council having to defend appeals which may have occurred should measures not have been taken to bring the Council’s approach in-line with revised national planning policies.


Value for Money


Up-to-date guidance on affordable housing will ensure the Council secures contributions from development where appropriate, but does not spend unnecessary time and money fighting appeals where there is a mis-match between the policies within the adopted Core Strategy and revised national guidance.


Risk Implications


There are no direct risk implications related to this guidance note.  The note provides detailed guidance to support the application of policies within the adopted Core Strategy and Affordable Housing SPD.  A separate Risk Assessment has been prepared for the Local Planning Framework (of which the Core Strategy is part).  This is updated monthly as part of CORVU monitoring processes.


Community Impact Assessment


Equalities Impact Assessment prepared for the Core Strategy, which this guidance note supports.   This will be translated into a new Community Impact Assessment in due course.

Health & Safety Implications

There are no health and safety implications relating to this Clarification Note. 

Corporate Objectives

The Affordable Housing Clarification Note supports the ‘Dacorum Delivers’ and ‘Affordable Housing’ objectives.  It will improve efficiency and effectiveness of services by enabling planning decisions to be approved within agreed time scales and through the provision of upfront and clear advice on the provision of affordable housing within new development. It also demonstrates that the Council is able to respond to changes in national policy in a prompt and effective manner. 


Monitoring Officer/S.151 Officer Comments


Monitoring Officer:


The clarification note will ensure that the Council is applying the most up to date and relevant government guidance and will assist consistent decision making on planning applications.


S.151 Officer


No further comments to add.




The Portfolio Holder for Planning and Regeneration introduced the report noting that the purpose was to agree to re-adopt the Affordable Housing Clarification note and to set out how the council would apply the changes to national affordable housing policy. He added that they would not be seeking affordable housing in developments with less than 10 dwellings.


The Assistant Director for Planning and Regeneration supported what the Portfolio Holder had said, and added that the council would not also seek affordable housing for less than 5 dwellings in rural areas.


The Leader of the council said that this was part of government legislation and therefore must be applied.







Supporting documents: