Agenda item





Martin Stickley introduced the report to the committee. The application is referred to the Development Control Committee at the request of Councillor Graeme Elliot due to concerns raised by the neighbouring residents.


Nigel Durrant, Jane Senior and Peter Allen all spoke in support to this application.


Mrs Elaine Walker and Mike Walker both spoke in objection to this application.


Councillor Guest declared a personal Interest for this application because of one the speakers in support was known to her, and reserved her right to both speak and vote.


It was proposed by Councillor Birnie and seconded by Councillor Fisher to Grant the application in line with the officer’s recommendation.



For: 8               Against: 2                                Abstained: 4




That planning permission be GRANTED due to the following reasons:



This permission is for a limited period expiring on the 23th October 2017 by which time the change of use shall have ceased and the teepees and ancillary equipment shall be removed from the site and the land restored to its former condition unless otherwise agreed with the Local Planning Authority.


Reason:  To enable the local planning authority to review the position in the light of circumstances prevailing at the end of the period.



No camping shall take place on the site apart from in the designated 'teepee area (44.5 x 25m)' as defined on drawing 0624/01E. Camping on the site shall be restricted to a total of three teepees and no other tents/mobiles/caravans shall be sited on the land other than shown on the approved plan.


Reason:  To safeguard the amenity of the neighbouring residents in accordance with Policy CS12 of the Dacorum Borough Core Strategy, for the avoidance of doubt and to accord with the details provided by the applicant.



Prior to the commencement of the use hereby permitted, visibility splays in accordance with the guidance given in Hertfordshire County Council's 'Highway Design Guide - Roads in Hertfordshire' shall be provided to each side of the new access where it meets the highway by moving the adjacent fence 500mm into the site. These splays shall thereafter be maintained at all times free from any obstruction between 600mm and 2m above the level of the adjacent highway carriageway. These visibility splays will be agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority and shown on a scaled plan.


Reason:  In the interests of highway safety in accordance with Policies CS8 and CS12 of Dacorum's adopted Core Strategy (2013).



The development hereby permitted shall not be carried out other than in accordance with the following approved plans:





Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning.


Article 35 Statement


Planning permission has been granted for this proposal. The Council acted pro-actively through positive engagement with the applicant at the pre-application stage and during the determination process which lead to improvements to the scheme. The Council has therefore acted pro-actively in line with the requirements of the Framework (paragraphs 186 and 187) and in accordance with the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) (Amendment) Order 2015.


Highways Advisory Notes


AN1) Where works are required within the public highway to facilitate the new vehicle access, the Highway Authority require the construction of such works to be undertaken to their satisfaction and specification and by a contractor who is authorised to work in the public highway. Before works commence the applicant will need to apply to Hertfordshire County Council Highways team to obtain their permission and requirements. Their address is County Hall, Pegs Lane, Hertford, Herts, SG13 8DN. Their telephone number is 0300 1234047.


AN2) Road Deposits: It is an offence under section 148 of the Highways Act 1980 to deposit mud or other debris on the public highway, and section 149 of the same Act gives the Highway Authority powers to remove such material at the expense of the party responsible. Therefore, best practical means shall be taken at all times to ensure that all vehicles leaving the site are in a condition such as not to emit dust or deposit mud, slurry or other debris on the highway. Further information is available via the website or by telephoning 0300 1234047.


Supporting documents: