Agenda item

Provisional Outturn Report 2015-16


Councillor Guest left the meeting at 7.45pm



Councillor Elliot – Portfolio Holder for Finance and Resources informed Members that there had been an underspend within the budget and that the report would be going to the next Audit Committee for a final sign off.




Councillor Tindall referred to page 11, 5.1 and the surplus of £30k on income and garages. He asked if the level of void would be different on smaller garages.


D Skinner, Assistant Director - Finance & Resources confirmed that the level of voids would be lower on smaller garages. He confirmed that this will be reviewed in the future.


Councillor Tindall referred to page 13, 7.6 and the repairs and maintenance. He mentioned that there was a trend of increase in the repairs and asked the officer to confirm if there will be a trend identified for future years.


D Skinner explained to Members that there is a lot of work to be done which will include detail analysis to forecast demand and arrangements in place for 15/16 and 16/17 and to all additional controls to take action as they go through the year.


Councillor Birnie referred to page 10, 4.1 and the Employees being £217k over budget. He asked the officer to confirm when the review would take place in Building Control.


D Skinner said that he was not sure when the review would conclude.


Councillor Birnie referred to the V4 Services review and asked for the costs involved.


D Skinner said that he would check the costs and get back to Members at a later date.

Councillor Barnes referred to Page 8, 3.1 and asked how many premises there were in Dacorum.


D Skinner said that he would get back to Members with an update.


Councillor Barnes asked the officers to confirm how long the new electronic opening system that is being installed would last for.


N Brown said that he would get back to Members with an update.


Councillor Adeleke referred to page 14 and the Health and Safety works – overspend £120k and asked if there was anything put in place for the rehabilitation of homes.


D Skinner confirmed that there is an ongoing education programme to educate the residents on how to maintain their properties. He added that there had been a number of major cases of mould being reported whereby extensive treatment was issued which in effect led to an increase in spending.


Councillor Silwal referred to the Employees - £217k over budget on page 10 of the report and asked the officer to clarify this.

D Skinner replied that Waste Services delivered in budget in 2016/17, however in 2015/16, it took longer to address all of the issues which is why there was an increase in the budget.


Councillor Douris referred to page 10, 4.1 and the service review and asked the officer to confirm when this would take place. 


D Skinner said that he would get back to Members with the information.


Councillor Douris referred to page 10, 4.2 and the damage to properties from subsidence due to the tree routes. He asked the officer to confirm whom the trees belonged to and if there was any consideration to residents when planting them and how they would be maintained in 20/30 years time.


D Skinner said that he would get back to the committee with an answer before the next meeting.


Councillor Douris made reference to page 18 line 174 and the slippage of £2m on the  Water Gardens. He asked the officer to confirm if this was slippage or if it will turn into an overspend.


D Skinner explained that at the time the report was written this figure was a slippage, however confirmed to the committee that there was no indication that there would be an overspend.


Councillor Tindall referred to page 19, line 198 and the slippage of £838k on the new build scheme at London Road Apsley. He asked if this could have been anticipated in advance of the build.


D Skinner told the committee that this was due to the change in the clients requirements.



1.    D Skinner to confirm what the costs are for the V4 Service Review.

2.    D Skinner to confirm how many Premises there are in Dacorum.

3.    N Brown to confirm the number of wc’s fitted with time locks and steel opening doors

4.    D Sinner to check when the service review is due to take place in Planning and Building Control.

5.    D Skinner to confirm whom the trees belong to with regards to the damage to properties from subsidence due to the tree routes.




The Committee noted the forecast outturn position report.


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