Date of determination 12th September 2024
Subject Member
Councillor Ron Tindall
Two anonymous complainants – known as “Complainant 1” and “Complainant 2” in the proceedings. They were not dated but they were received on 28th and 29th April 2024.
Hearing Sub-Committee Membership
Councillor Jonathan Gale (Chair).
Councillor Catherine McArevey (Vice-Chair)
Councillor Rick Freeman
Councillor Alan Anderson
Apologies for Absence Councillor Graeme Elliot
Mr Mike Browne – Independent Person
Monitoring Officer
Mr Mark Brookes, Assistant Director, Legal and Democratic Services
Investigating Officer
Mrs Olwen Brown, Consultant Solicitor with Anthony Collins Solicitor
The Standards Sub- Committee met to consider an investigation report in respect of two anonymous complaints that Councillor Ron Tindall had failed to comply with the Code of Conduct for Councillors adopted by Dacorum Borough Council.
In particular, it was alleged that Councillor Tindall:
(a) failed to treat the complainants with respect contrary to paragraph 1.1 of the Code of Conduct;
(b) constituted harassment in respect of the allegation in Complaint 2 contrary to paragraph 2.2 of the Code of Conduct;
(c) failed to promote equalities as required by paragraph 2.3 of the Code of Conduct;
and that Councillor Tindall’s actions and behaviours:
(d) had the potential to bring the Council into disrepute
contrary to paragraph 5.1 of the Code of Conduct.
Hearing process
The Chairman asked all parties present to introduce themselves and explained the process for the hearing. The Chairman explained that at the end of the presentation of the complainants’ cases there would be an opportunity for the Committee to ask the complainants any points of clarification resulting from the presented evidence. If this was required, the complainants would be given an opportunity to answer any questions in writing as they were present in the Forum.
The Chairman also announced that the complainants would be watching the proceedings from a Teams link in the Forum.
The Chairman asked if there were any declarations of interest.
The following declarations were made:
Councillor Gale: I have a declaration of interest, Councillor Tindall was the Leader of the Council and the leader of my group as a councillor.
Councillor Freedman: Councillor Tindall is known to me, we worked together for several years, similarly the anonymous complainants are also known to me as well.
Councillor Anderson: I have known Councillor Tindall since he first joined the council, at all times in this case I have maintained an open mind in respect to both parties
Councillor McArevey: I have also known Councillor Tindall for approximately 16 years both professionally and in a personal capacity, we have worked together for a number of domestic abuse organisations in that time, he has reported to me professionally and I have reported to him professionally in the various roles we have had. I also know the two complainants and there has been several occasions where the complainants have contacted me in relation to these incidents, which I have shared with Mark Brookes, however despite these relationships I keep an open mind for this hearing.
The Committee agreed to move into Part II for the reasons set out in the agenda report.
The Hearing
The Committee followed the Standards Sub-Committee Hearing Procedureas set out in Appendix 3 of the Complaints Procedure.
The allegations contained in the Investigation Report were particularised as complaint 1 and complaint 2 and considered separately by the Committee.
Councillor Tindall provided a brief outline of his position.
The Investigation Officer presented the Investigation Report. No witnesses were called. Councillor Tindall and Committee members asked questions of the Investigating Officer and responses were given.
The Committee did not have any points of clarification that they wished to ask the complainants directly.
Councillor Tindall presented his response. The Investigating Officer and Committee members asked questions of Councillor Tindall and responses were given.
There was a short adjournment in the proceedings.
The Investigating Officer made a concluding statement to sum up the complaint and her investigation.
Councillor Tindall made a concluding statement to sum up the complaint and his response.
Committee Decision
Complaint 1
Councillor Tindall fairly to be able to respond to the Complaint, or
The Committee to adjudicate as to whether what has been alleged is a breach of the Code.
Complaint 2
For and on behalf of the Standards Sub-Committee
Councillor Jonathan Gale (Chair)
18th September 2024