Agenda item

Minutes and Actions

To agree the minutes of the previous meeting.


Cllr Gale referred to page 7 of the previous minutes and JDoe's response to Cllr Deacon. Cllr Gale clarified that JDoe was referring to open spaces in the local plan and that the network of open spaces lies behind the ethos of Hemel Garden Communities and that they are rolling out the tradition in the development area. Cllr Gale stated that whilst he did not expect minutes to be a verbatim record, he would like this particular comment to be put on the record as he found the comment to be of great comfort. LFowell asked Cllr Gale to email the requested wording.


ACTION: To email wording to be included on page 7 of the previous minutes regarding JDoe's response to Cllr Deacon. (Cllr Gale)


The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as an accurate record.


Cllr Timmis referred to the action regarding trees and the response from IRoss stating that any trees that pose an immediate danger will be dealt with appropriately, which Cllr Timmis suggested was not clear. Cllr Timmis also noted the comment that trees under Dacorum's management and tree emergencies should be called through to the Council, stating that this is no longer clear which trees are under whose responsibility. Cllr Timmis asked if there could be a commitment from Herts County Council ("HCC") that trees be dealt with as efficiently as being done locally.


SHorne confirmed that clarification on responsibility would be circulated to councillors. SHorne advised that the arrangement of the management of trees in Dacorum has changed with trees on highways now managed by HCC and other trees managed by Dacorum. Regarding communication, SHorne confirmed that regular meetings are held with HCC, and she confirmed that there is a priority list for at-risk trees to be inspected.


Cllr Timmis suggested that it is currently not clear who to call when a tree comes down. SHorne advised that Customer Services have been provided with contact details to help any residents who call with issues so they can be redirected to the right department. SHorne confirmed that the process is being monitored.


Cllr Pringle reiterated the concerns around communication and she noted that a particular tree of concern has now been felled. Cllr Pringle advised that she has been trying to have this tree addressed for a number of years and she asked for a way for residents to report issues as well as reassurance that the report is being taken seriously to avoid residents continually reporting the same tree.


The Chair suggested that questions on trees should go direct to SHorne and confirmed that SHorne would provide further clarity on reporting as well as progress being made.


SHorne confirmed that tree prioritisation is being reviewed along with the work programme to make it more effective.


Cllr Pringle commented that it would be helpful to be able to look up tree reports and for it to have a prioritisation rating, as well as the opportunity to add more information.


ACTION: To provide exact definition of highways trees to councillors. (SHorne)


Cllr Patterson requested that updates be put alongside all actions.

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