Agenda item

South West Herts Joint Strategic Vision


1.    Note the feedback received on the SW Herts Joint Strategic Plan Regulation 18 consultation;

2.    Endorse the revised Vision and Objectives for the Plan, incorporating changes recommended as a result of the consultation responses (see Appendix 3);

3.    Agree the recommended changes to the Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report (see Appendix 4); and

4.    Delegate authority to the Strategic Director –Place, in consultation with the Leader of the Council/Portfolio Holder for Place to  agree any non-substantive changes, finalise and publish:

(a)  a document setting out the revised Vision and Objectives; and

5.    (b) an updated Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report.




1.    Note the feedback received on the SW Herts Joint Strategic Plan Regulation 18 consultation;

2.   Endorse the revised Vision and Objectives for the Plan, incorporating changes recommended as a result of the consultation responses (see Appendix 3);

3.   Agree the recommended changes to the Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report (see Appendix 4); and

4.   Delegate authority to the Strategic Director –Place, in consultation with the Leader of the Council/Portfolio Holder for Place to agree any non-substantive changes, finalise and publish:

(a)        a document setting out the revised Vision and Objectives; and

(b)        an updated Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report.


Corporate Priorities


A clean, safe and enjoyable environment

Building strong and vibrant communities

Ensuring economic growth and prosperity

Providing good quality affordable homes, in particular for those most in need

Climate and ecological emergency


Statutory Officer Comments:


Monitoring Officer:


No comments to add to the report.


S151 Officer:


No further comments to add.




Cllr Wilkie introduced the report and welcomed questions.


There were no questions.


Recommendation agreed

Supporting documents: