Agenda item

Private Sector Housing - Civil Penalty & Enforcement Policies


1.         Cabinet agreed the annexed Civil Penalty Policy and Enforcement Policy and delegates future policy revisions and amendments to the Portfolio Holder for Housing and Property Services.




1) That Cabinet agrees the annexed Civil Penalty Policy and Enforcement Policy and delegates future policy revisions and amendments to the Portfolio Holder for Housing and Property Services.


Corporate Priorities


A clean, safe and enjoyable environment

Providing good quality affordable homes, in particular for those most in need


Statutory Officer Comments:


Monitoring Officer:


The proposed policies provide an effective framework to ensure consistent decision making when considering enforcement action and applying civil penalties. 


Deputy S151 Officer:


Any income received from civil penalties can be retained by the Council, provided that it is used to further the Council’s statutory functions in relation to enforcement activities covering the private rented sector.




Cllr Tindall introduced the report as circulated with the agenda.


Cllr Bromham observed that there is only 1 month given to deliver the report by the department of levelling up, seems quite a lot of expense, is there funding from the government to do that audit.


NBeresford advised there is no funding for that, it is undertaken within service budget.


Recommendation agreed

Supporting documents: