Agenda item

21/04556/MFA - Construction of 234 apartments and 1,486 sqm of commercial floor space, provided in three main buildings ranging from 5 to 9 storeys on two podiums, with associated car parking, landscaping, amenity space and service areas - Plots 1 & 2 Maylands Avenue Hemel Hempstead HP2 4FQ


The Case Officer, Andrew Parish introduced the report to Members and said that the application had been referred to the Committee as under s.2.3.2 (1) of Part 3 of the Council’s Constitution as the recommendation would have the effect of granting permission for matters previously refused by the Development Management Committee.


The Case Officer, as part of his introduction of the report, stated that there were changes to Conditions 18 and 19 in light of further comments from the Council’s ECP team, making them compliance conditions.


It was proposed by Councillor Williams and seconded by Councillor Tindall to APPROVE the application in line with Officers recommendations, including the added condition set out in the addendum.


Cllr Douris requested that all parties investigate improvements to the access into and egress out of the site, noting the clear desire of the Development Management Committee Members for some kind of signalised junction. This was voted on and forms an additional bullet point to the decision.




For:      7          Against: 0                    Abstained: 4


Resolved: That planning permission be DELEGATE WITH A VIEW TO APPROVAL.




That the decision be delegated to the Group Manager Development Management with a view to approval subject to the completion of an s106 agreement to secure the following:


·         Provision of at least 35% Affordable Housing

·         Financial contribution to DBC of £49,254(index-linked) in respect of the Maylands Environmental Improvement Strategy

·         Financial contribution of £50,000 to DBC to upgrade the existing LEAP at Datchworth Turn / Marchmont Pond to a NEAP

·         Financial contribution of £73,588 to DBC to mitigate the net biodiversity loss from the site

·         To enter into a s278 agreement with the Highway Authority to secure:

o   Upgrading of the segregated foot/cycle path adjacent to the northern border which runs to The Flags residential area to full LTN 1/20 standard;

o   Upgrading of the foot/cycle path from The Flags/ New Park Drive junction to Leverstock Green Road;

o   Upgrading of the existing uncontrolled crossing of Maylands Avenue 20m north of the Development access road to a signalised 'toucan crossing'; and

o   Off-site street tree planting along the outer verges of the A414 / A4147 roundabout as shown on plan

·         Provision of a Framework Travel Plan for the entire site

·         Travel Plan Evaluation and Support Fee of £1,200 per annum (overall sum of £6000, index-linked RPI March 2014) to HCC

·         A contribution of £913.88 per dwelling is secured towards Strategic Access Management and Monitoring of the Chilterns Beechwoods SAC

·         A mitigation strategy or financial contribution as necessary towards Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace as an alternative to use of the Chilterns Beechwoods SAC.

·         All parties investigate improvements to the access into and egress out of the site, noting the clear desire of the Development Management Committee Members for some kind of signalised junction.


Subject to any minor changes to the wording of conditions as necessary, and its referral to the Secretary of State as a Departure from the Development Plan.

Conditions and Reasons:


 1.        The development hereby permitted shall begin before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.

            Reason:  To comply with the requirements of Section 91 (1) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, as amended by Section 51 (1) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.


 2.        The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans/documents:



            P03F in DAS only

            P04J in DAS only

            P05J in DAS only


            P07J in DAS only

            P08J in DAS only

            P09J in DAS only

            P10J in DAS only

            P11J in DAS only

            P12J in DAS only

            P13J in DAS only

            P14F in DAS only

            P15F in DAS only

            P16F in DAS only

            P17F in DAS only

            P18D in DAS only

            P19D in DAS only

            P20D in DAS only

            P21D in DAS only

            P22F in DAS only

            P23F in DAS only

            P24F in DAS only


            1728 (SK) 220127(03)

            Reason:  For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning.


 3.        The use of the commercial floorspace hereby permitted shall be limited to Class E2(g) of the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987 (as amended).

            Reason: For the avoidance of doubt as to the uses permitted and in the interests of ensuring a minimum base of employment opportunities are provided in accordance with the former B1 Office use of the site and extant policies.


 4.        No development (excluding demolition, tree protection works, groundworks / investigations) shall take place until samples of the materials (together with summary details) to be used in the construction of the external surfaces of the development hereby permitted shall have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.  Development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details.  Please do not send materials to the Council offices.  Materials should be kept on site and arrangements made with the Planning Officer for inspection.

            Reason:  To ensure satisfactory appearance to the development and to safeguard the visual character of the area in accordance with Policies CS11 and CS12 of the Dacorum Borough Core Strategy (2013).


 5.        Notwithstanding any details submitted, no above ground development shall take place until 1:20 details of the following shall have been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority.


            - Windows / panels (including set back and cross sections through the openings)

            - External doors (including car park roller doors and cross sections through the openings)

            - Curtain wall joinery details

            - Balconies

            - Balustrades

            - Canopies

            - Car park screens

            - Rainwater goods

            - Eaves / parapet wall / freestanding wall details

            - Brickbond patterns

            Reason:  To ensure a satisfactory appearance to the development and to safeguard the visual character of the area in accordance with Policies CS11 and CS12 of the Dacorum Borough Core Strategy (2013).


 6.        Notwithstanding any details submitted, no development shall take place until an updated Arboricultural Method Statement and Tree Protection Plan prepared in accordance with BS5837:2012 (Trees in relation to design, demolition and construction) setting out how trees shown for retention shall be protected during the construction process, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.  No equipment, machinery or materials for the development shall be taken onto the site until these details have been approved. The works must then be carried out according to the approved details and thereafter retained until completion of the development and No materials, plant, soil or spoil shall be stored underneath the canopy of any tree on the site which is shown for retention on the approved drawing. The details are required before commencement to ensure that tree protection is in place from the start of development.

            Reason:  To ensure that damage does not occur to trees and hedges during excavation and building operations in accordance with saved Policy 99 of the Dacorum Borough Local Plan (2004), Policy CS12 of the Dacorum Borough Core Strategy (2013) and Paragraph 174 of the National Planning Policy Framework (2021).

 7.        Notwithstanding any details submitted, no development  (excluding demolition, tree protection works, groundworks / investigations) shall take place until updated details of both hard and soft landscape works shall have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.  These details shall include:

            o          hard surfacing materials;

            o          means of enclosure;

            o          benches, planters, privacy screens and any play area equipment / fencing;

            o          soft landscape works including planting plans; written specifications (including cultivation and other operations associated with plant and grass establishment); schedules of plants, noting species, plant sizes and proposed numbers/densities where appropriate;

            o          trees to be retained;

            o          proposed finished levels or contours;

            o          habitat enhancement for bats and other wildlife;

o          minor artefacts and structures (e.g. furniture, play equipment, signs, refuse or other storage units, etc.); and

            o          submission of a Landscape Ecological Management Plan.

            The approved landscape works shall be carried out prior to the first use of the development hereby permitted and retained fully in position.

            Any tree or shrub which forms part of the approved landscaping scheme which within a period of five years from planting fails to become established, becomes seriously damaged or diseased, dies or for any reason is removed shall be replaced in the next planting season by a tree or shrub of a similar species, size and maturity.

            Reason:  To ensure a satisfactory appearance to the development and to safeguard the visual character and ecology of the immediate area in accordance with saved Policies 99 and 100 of the Dacorum Borough Local Plan 1991-2011 and Policies CS12, 13 and 29 of the Dacorum Core Strategy September 2013.


 8.        Notwithstanding the details submitted, no development (excluding demolition, tree protection works, groundworks / investigations) shall take place until full details (in the form of scaled plans and / or written specifications) shall have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority to illustrate the following:


                i) Roads, footways

                ii) Cycleways

                iii) Foul and surface water drainage

                iv) Visibility splays

                v) Access arrangements

                vi) Parking provision in accordance with adopted standard

                vii) Loading areas

                viii) Turning areas

ix) Parking Management


The development shall be carried out, and thereafter retained, in accordance with the approved details.


            Reason: To ensure suitable, safe and satisfactory planning and development of the site in accordance with Policy 5 of Hertfordshire's Local Transport Plan (adopted 2018), Policy CS12 of the Dacorum Borough Core Strategy (2013), saved Policy 54 of the Dacorum Borough Local Plan 1991-2011 and the Car Parking Standards Supplementary Planning Document (2020).



 9.        Prior to the first occupation / use of the development hereby permitted the vehicular access improvements, as indicated on drawing numbers 1728 (P) P04 J & 4745-TR-11, shall be completed and thereafter retained in accordance with details/specifications which shall first have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority in consultation with the Highway Authority.

            Reason: To ensure construction of a satisfactory access and in the interests of highway safety, traffic movement and amenity in accordance with Policy 5 of Hertfordshire's Local Transport Plan (adopted 2018), Policy CS12 of the Dacorum Borough Core Strategy (2013), and saved Policy 54 of the Dacorum Borough Local Plan 1991-2011.


10.       Prior to the first use of the development hereby permitted, arrangements shall be made for surface water from the proposed development to be intercepted and disposed of separately so that it does not discharge into the highway.

            Reason: To avoid the carriage of extraneous material or surface water from or onto the highway in accordance with Policy 5 of Hertfordshire's Local Transport Plan (adopted 2018), Policy CS12 of the Dacorum Borough Core Strategy (2013), and saved Policy 54 of the Dacorum Borough Local Plan 1991-2011.


11.       Prior to the first occupation / use of the development hereby permitted a visibility splay measuring 2.4 x 43 metres shall be provided to each side of the vehicular access where it meets the highway and such splays shall thereafter be retained at all times free from any obstruction between 600mm and 2m above the level of the adjacent highway carriageway.

            Reason: To ensure that the level of visibility for pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles is satisfactory in the interests of highway safety in accordance with Policy 5 of Hertfordshire's Local Transport Plan (adopted 2018), Policy CS12 of the Dacorum Borough Core Strategy (2013), and saved Policy 54 of the Dacorum Borough Local Plan 1991-2011.


12.       The dwellings / commercial floorspace hereby permitted shall not be occupied until the Electric Vehicle Charging Points and associated infrastructure shall have been provided in accordance with the details in Section 5.1 of the Design and Access Statement Oct 2021 Rev 06 received 25/08/22. The Electric Vehicle Charging points and associated infrastructure shall thereafter be retained in accordance with the approved details.

            Reason: To ensure that adequate provision is made for the charging of electric vehicles in accordance with Policies CS8, CS12 and CS29 of the Dacorum Borough Core Strategy (2013) and the Car Parking Standards Supplementary Planning Document (2020).


13.       The dwellings / commercial floorspace hereby permitted shall not be occupied until the short and long term cycle parking facilities shall have been provided in accordance with drawings 1728 (P) P03 F, P04 J, P05 J and 1728 (SK) 220127(03), Trade literature - Two Tier Bike Rack - With Gas Strut (BDS), and the details provided in Section 5.2 of the Design and Access Statement Oct 2021 Rev 06 received 25/08/22. The cycle parking facilities shall thereafter be retained in accordance with the approved details.

            Reason: To ensure that adequate provision is made for the parking of bicycles in the interests of encouraging the use of sustainable modes of transport in accordance with Policies 1, 5 and 8 of Hertfordshire's Local Transport Plan (adopted 2018, Policies CS8, CS12 and CS29 of the Dacorum Borough Core Strategy (2013) and the Car Parking Standards Supplementary Planning Document (2020).


14.       The dwellings / commercial floorspace hereby permitted shall not be occupied until the relevant refuse storage facilities serving that use shall have been provided in accordance with drawing 1728 (P) P04 J and the details in Section 5.3 of the Design and Access Statement Oct 2021 Rev 06 received 25/08/22. The refuse storage facilities shall thereafter be retained and managed in accordance with the approved details.

            Reason: To ensure that adequate provision is made for the disposal and collection of refuse from the development in accordance with Policy CS12 and CS29 of the Dacorum Borough Core Strategy (2013) and the Refuse Storage Guidance Note (Feb 2016).


15.       No development shall take place until a Construction Traffic Management Plan (CTMP) has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The CTMP / Statement shall include details of:

            a. Construction vehicle numbers, type, routing;

            b. Access arrangements to the site;

            c. Traffic management requirements;

            d. Construction and storage compounds (including areas designated for car parking, loading / unloading and turning areas);

            e. Siting and details of wheel washing facilities;

            f. Cleaning of site entrances, site tracks and the adjacent public highway;

            g. Timing of construction activities (including delivery times and removal of waste) and to avoid school pick up/drop off times;

            h. Provision of sufficient on-site parking prior to commencement of construction activities;

            i. Post construction restoration/reinstatement of the working areas and temporary access to the public highway;

            j. where works cannot be contained wholly within the site a plan should be submitted showing the site layout on the highway including extent of hoarding, pedestrian routes and remaining road width for vehicle movements;

            k. Phasing Plan.

            The construction of the development shall be carried out in strict accordance with the approved CTMP.

            Reason: In order to protect highway safety and the amenity of other users of the public highway and rights of way in accordance with Policies 5, 12, 17 and 22 of Hertfordshire's Local Transport Plan (adopted 2018). The details are required before commencement to ensure that all waste can be suitably managed from the start of development.


16.       Prior to the commencement of development a Demolition and Construction Management Plan (DCMP) shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The DCMP / Statement shall include details of:

o          the erection and maintenance of security hoarding including decorative displays and facilities for public viewing, where appropriate;

o          measures to control the emission of dust and dirt during demolition and construction;

o          a scheme for waste minimisation and recycling/disposing of waste resulting from the demolition and construction works, which must not include burning on site.

            o          hours of demolition and construction work

            o          control of noise and/or vibration

            o          measures to control overspill of light from security lighting

            The approved DCMP / Statement shall be adhered to throughout the construction period and the approved measures shall be retained for the duration of the demolition and construction works.


            Reason: Details are required prior to the commencement of development in the interests of safeguarding highway safety and residential amenity of local properties from the start of development in accordance with Appendix 3 of the Dacorum Borough Local Plan (2004), Policy CS12 of the Dacorum Borough Core Strategy (2013) and the relevant sections of the NPPF (2021).


17.       Works audible at the site boundary shall not exceed the following times unless with the written permission of the Local Planning Authority or Environmental Health.  Monday to Friday 08.00 to 18.00 hrs, Saturday 08.30 to 13.30 and at no time whatsoever on Sundays or Public/Bank Holidays. This includes deliveries to the site and any work undertaken by contractors and sub-contractors.

            Reason:  In the interests of safeguarding residential amenity in accordance with Appendix 3 of the Dacorum Borough Local Plan (2004), Policy CS12 of the Dacorum Borough Core Strategy (2013) and the relevant sections of the NPPF (2021).


18.       The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the construction phase mitigation measures contained within the submitted and approved Air Quality Assessment November 2020. The measures shall be put in place prior to the commencement of development. Notwithstanding the submitted damage cost value calculation Addendum Report, no development (excluding demolition, tree protection works, groundworks / investigations) shall take place until further details of mitigation to satisfy the air quality damage cost value shall have been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The details as approved shall be implemented in full prior to the first occupation of the development and retained where appropriate at all times thereafter.

               Reason: Given the locality of the proposed development to industrial units and the A414, details are required in the interests of safeguarding residential amenity and to protect public health in accordance with Appendix 3 of the Dacorum Borough Local Plan (2004), Policy CS12 of the Dacorum Borough Core Strategy (2013) and the relevant sections of the NPPF (2021).


19.       The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the mitigation proposals within the submitted and approved Noise Survey and Assessment Rev 2 November 2021 to achieve the noise levels outlined in BS8233:2014 with regards to the residential units. The scheme shall be implemented before first occupation of the residential units concerned and thereafter maintained in the approved state at all times.  No alterations shall be made to the approved structure including roof, doors, windows and external facades, layout of the units or noise barriers.

               Reason:  In the interest of safeguarding residential amenity in accordance with Appendix 3 of the Dacorum Borough Local Plan (2004), Policy CS12 of the Dacorum Borough Core Strategy (2013) and the relevant sections of the NPPF (2019).


20.       The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the submitted and approved Sustainable Development Checklist, Energy Statement and the details provided in Section 5.7 of the Design and Access Statement Oct 2021 Rev 06 received 25/08/22.

            Reason:  To ensure the sustainable development of the site in accordance with the aims of Policies CS28 and CS29 of the Dacorum Borough Core Strategy (2013), the Sustainable Development Advice Note (2016) and Paragraphs 154 and 157 of the National Planning Policy Framework (2021).


21.       Notwithstanding the submitted Drainage Strategy and Drg. Nos. C13154 0101 P2, 0102 P1 and 0103 P1, no development shall take place until the final design and surface water discharge rates from the site shall have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority in consultation with the Lead Local Flood Authority.  The sustainable drainage system shall be implemented and thereafter managed and maintained in accordance with the approved details.

            Reason:  To ensure that the site is subject to an acceptable drainage system serving the development and to prevent flooding by ensuring the satisfactory storage of and disposal of surface water from the site in accordance with Policy CS31 of the Dacorum Borough Core Strategy (2013) and Paragraph 169 of the National Planning Policy Framework (2021). Details are required prior to the commencement of development to ensure that satisfactory drainage can be made available to serve the development.


22.       The development shall not be occupied until confirmation has been provided that either:

            1.  All foul water network upgrades required to accommodate the additional flows from the development have been completed; or

            2.  A development and infrastructure phasing plan has been agreed with the Local Planning Authority in consultation with Thames Water to allow development to be occupied. 

            Where a development and infrastructure phasing plan is agreed, no occupation shall take place other than in accordance with the agreed development and infrastructure phasing plan.

            Reason - Network reinforcement works are likely to be required to accommodate the proposed development.  Any reinforcement works identified will be necessary in order to avoid sewage flooding and/or potential pollution incidents.  The developer can request information to support the discharge of this condition by visiting the Thames Water website at


23.       No development shall take place until the results of a walkover survey, together with a Landscape and Ecological Management Plan (LEMP) for the site, as recommended in the Preliminiary Ecological Appraisal 2021, shall have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority, to include appropriate ecological enhancements. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details prior to first occupation.

            Reason:  To provide suitable ecological enhancement of the site having regard to Policy CS26 of the Dacorum Borough Core Strategy and Paragraph 174 of the National Planning Policy Framework (2021). The details are required before commencement  to ensure that demolition and groundworks do not destroy ecological features prior to survey.


24.       The development shall not be occupied until a comprehensive Ecological Management Plan (EMP) in respect of the Prologis Maylands compensation site (south of the A414 Breakspear Way) shall have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The Plan shall set out in detail the proposals and measures that will need to be actioned on the site to achieve a BNG of 2.07 BU in accordance with the original EMP for that site together with a further uplift of 1.73 BU.

            Reason:  To provide a suitable EMP that when implemented by DBC will compensate for the net loss to biodiversity on the application site of 1.98 BU, in accordance with Paras. 174 and 180 of the NPPF (2021).


25.       The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the crime prevention measures as detailed in the Design and Access Statement Oct 2021 Rev 06 received 25/08/22 (Section 5.4).

            Reason:  To ensure the security of the site in accordance with the aims of Policy CS11 and 12 of the Dacorum Borough Core Strategy (2013),  and Paragraphs 92 and 130 of the National Planning Policy Framework (2021).


26.       No demolition/development shall take place until an Archaeological Written Scheme of Investigation (WSI) has been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority.  The scheme shall include an assessment of significance and research questions; and:

            1.        The programme and methodology of site investigation and recording

            2.        The programme for post investigation assessment

            3.        Provision to be made for analysis of the site investigation and recording 

            4.        Provision to be made for publication and dissemination of the analysis and records of the site investigation

            5.        Provision to be made for archive deposition of the analysis and records of   the site investigation

            6.        Nomination of a competent person or persons/organisation to undertake the works set out within the Written Scheme of Investigation.

            Development shall take place in accordance with the approved WSI.

            Reason: To ensure that below ground archaeology is properly investigated, analysed, recorded and archived in accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework (2021), saved Policy 118 of the Local Plan (2004) and the guidance contained in the Historic Environment Planning Practice Guide. The details are required before commencement to ensure that demolition and groundworks do not destroy archaeological features and artefacts.


27.       The development / or phases of development shall not be occupied until the site investigation has been completed and the provision made for analysis in accordance with the programme set out in the WSI approved under condition 26 has been completed. The final phase of development shall not be occupied until the site investigation has been completed and the provision made for analysis, publication and dissemination of results and archive deposition in accordance with the programme set out in the Written Scheme of Investigation approved under condition 26 has been secured and the details submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority.

            Reason: To ensure that below ground archaeology is properly investigated, analysed, recorded and archived in accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework (2021), saved Policy 118 of the Local Plan (2004) and the guidance contained in the Historic Environment Planning Practice Guide.


28.       A. No development, shall take place until a Phase I Report to assess the actual or potential contamination at the site shall have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

            B. If actual or potential contamination and/or ground gas risks are identified, further investigation shall be carried out and a Phase II report shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to the commencement of the development.

            C. If the Phase II report establishes that remediation or protection measures are necessary, a Remediation Statement shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

            For the purposes of this condition:

            o A Phase I Report consists of a desk study, site walkover, conceptual model and a preliminary risk assessment. The desk study comprises a search of available information and historical maps which can be used to identify the likelihood of contamination. A simple walkover survey of the site is conducted to identify pollution linkages not obvious from desk studies. Using the information gathered, a 'conceptual model' of the site is constructed and a preliminary risk assessment is carried out.

            o A Phase II Report consists of an intrusive site investigation and risk assessment. The report should make recommendations for further investigation and assessment where required.

            o A Remediation Statement details actions to be carried out and timescales so that contamination no longer presents a risk to site users, property, the environment or ecological systems.

            Reason: To ensure that the issue of contamination is adequately addressed and to ensure a satisfactory development, in accordance with Core Strategy (2013) Policy CS32 and the NPPF (2021). The details are required before commencement to ensure that all land can be properly investigated and decontaminated.


29.       All remediation or protection measures identified in the Remediation Statement referred to in Condition 28 shall be fully implemented within the timescales and by the deadlines as set out in the Remediation Statement and a Site Completion Report shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to the first occupation of that part of the development hereby permitted.

            For the purposes of this condition: a Site Completion Report shall record all the investigation and remedial or protection actions carried

            out. It shall detail all conclusions and actions taken at each stage of the works including validation work. It shall contain quality assurance and validation results providing evidence that the site has been remediated to a standard suitable for the approved use.

            Reason: To ensure that the issue of contamination is adequately addressed and to ensure a satisfactory development, in accordance with Core Strategy (2013) Policy CS32 and the NPPF (2021).


30.       Any contamination, other than that reported by virtue of Condition 28 above encountered during the development of this site shall be brought to the attention of the Local Planning Authority as soon as practically possible; a scheme to render this contamination harmless shall be submitted to and agreed by, the Local Planning Authority and subsequently fully implemented prior to the occupation of this site. Works shall be temporarily suspended, unless otherwise agreed in writing during this process because the safe development and secure occupancy of the site lies with the developer.

            Reason: To ensure that the issue of contamination is adequately addressed and to ensure a satisfactory development, in accordance with Core Strategy (2013) Policy CS32 and the NPPF (2021).


31.       No development shall take place until details of measures to recycle and reduce demolition and construction waste which may otherwise go to landfill, shall have been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The measures shall be implemented in accordance with the approved details.

            Reason: To accord with the waste planning policies of the area, Policy CS29 of the Dacorum Core Strategy (September 2013), saved Policy 129 of the Dacorum Borough Local Plan 1991-2011 and Policies 1, 2 and 12 of the Hertfordshire County Council Waste Core Strategy and Development Management Policies Development Plan Document 2012 which forms part of the Development Plan. The details are required before commencement to ensure that all waste can be suitably managed.



 1.        Planning permission has been granted for this proposal. The Council acted pro-actively through positive engagement with the applicant at the pre-application stage and during the determination process which lead to improvements to the scheme. The Council has therefore acted pro-actively in line with the requirements of the Framework (paragraph 38) and in accordance with the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) (Amendment No. 2) Order 2015.

 2.        Contractors and sub-contractors must have regard to BS 5228-2:2009 "Code of Practice for Noise Control on Construction and Open Sites" and the Control of Pollution Act 1974.

            Where permission is sought for works to be carried out outside the hours stated in the above condition, applications in writing must be made with at least seven days' notice to Environmental and Community Protection Team or The Forum, Marlowes, Hemel Hempstead, HP1 1DN.  Local residents that may be affected by the work shall also be notified in writing, after approval is received from the LPA or Environmental Health.

            Works audible at the site boundary outside these hours may result in the service of a Notice restricting the hours as above.  Breach of the notice may result in prosecution and an unlimited fine and/or six months imprisonment.

 3.        Under no circumstances should waste produced from construction or demolition work be incinerated on site. This includes but is not limited to pallet stretch wrap, used bulk bags, building materials, product of demolition and so on. Suitable waste management should be in place to reduce, reuse, recover or recycle waste product on site, or dispose of appropriately. These details should be included in the CMP/DMP referred to in the above condition.

 4.        Weeds such as Japanese Knotweed, Giant Hogsweed and Ragwort are having a detrimental impact on our environment and may injure livestock. Land owners must not plant or otherwise cause to grow in the wild any plant listed on schedule 9 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981. Developers and land owners should therefore undertake an invasive weeds survey before development commences and take the steps necessary to avoid weed spread. Further advice can be obtained from the Environment Agency website at


Supporting documents: