Agenda item

Decant Policy


OJackson presented the report, noting that the policy replaces the previous Decant Policy dated 2018. The report and policy aims to clarify key areas where the Council has strengthened its position, namely in its approach to providing financial help when households are forced to move from their home. The policy also covers clarification around the approach to household members and those eligible for assistance and also defines the approach taken to find suitable alternative accommodation. The policy has been supported by a review of the working practices related to decants and drew on the experiences of tenants who have undergone the process. There has also been a review of procedures, which are included in the report, with a key finding being the need to reduce the number of officers from various teams that individuals and households deal with when going through a particularly challenging time.


Cllr Adeleke asked if the Decant Policy is unique to Dacorum or if other local authorities are also looking at this. OJackson advised that part of the internal review included benchmarking against other local authorities and that there are different approaches taken. OJackson explained that their focus was on utilising DBC's own stock and temporary accommodation when available, whereas other authorities enter into agreements with hotels or letting companies. This will be monitored on an ongoing basis to understand what options are available.


Cllr Mahmood commented on the financial support offered to those being decanted and asked how the costs are agreed. Cllr Mahmood also asked if they ask tenants to have an insurance policy for contents. OJackson explained that they encourage households to take on contents insurance and that the Council runs its own scheme.


Cllr Mahmood asked if a tenant wants to move back to their property whether the payments will reduce or if they will have the same quality of life in the new place. OJackson confirmed that each household has a right to return and they will look to arrange this as soon as possible. Households receive the payment regardless of their length of stay and there is also the opportunity to provide discretionary payments dependent on the nature and circumstances of the decant.


Cllr Mahmood asked if households are paid when they move back. OJackson confirmed that the payment is only when they move out of their primary house into the decanted property.


The Chair noted that the disturbance payment is a minimum of £6,100. OJackson advised that this is the statutory home loss payment rather than the decant payment.


Cllr Wyatt-Lowe agreed that the decision to review the number of officers involved in the process should help make it less stressful for tenants. This should also allow for more accurate information passing.


The Chair advised that the policy went to the Tenants and Leaseholders Committee first, which is made up of tenants in social housing as well as leaseholders. The Chair noted that it was positive to see their comments taken on board and advised that the Council is quite unique in ensuring its policies are scrutinised as service users. NBeresford added that there will also be a focused session on 30th March with the Tenants and Leaseholders Committee to discuss the working practice of the policy in more detail and help with their understanding.



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