Agenda item

Work Programme


The Chair noted the size of the programme for January. It was advised that the KPI item may be moved to February.


In response to a report on the digital strategy, it was noted that a report was not planned. The Chair advised that this would go through Finance and Resources. It was advised that there are a number of work streams that sit beneath the transformation and digital strategy, and whilst some relate to planning, they are primarily related to software and making systems more efficient so there was no intention to bring a report to the Committee. It was agreed a general update on the work underway as part of this strategy could be provided. The Chair asked if this would be included under the quarterly performance update. It was agreed that the work could be expanded upon as part of the digitalisation update in the quarterly report. It was stated that an update on how this will affect the core areas covered by the Committee would be beneficial. It was confirmed that this is not yet on the Finance and Resources Work Programme and it was agreed that the item would be looked at further. The Chair added that councillors could also attend Finance and Resources meetings and that any items of relevance could be brought to the Committee. It was stated that strategies under the master strategy should highlight how officers will drive a better or more efficient service.


Cllr Timmis referred to her request at the last meeting regarding acronyms and asked if they could also include items on climate change given that the Committee also focuses on the environment. The Chair confirmed that each report should have its own set of acronyms listed. LFowell confirmed that she could include the words when officers provide the Work Programme.


Cllr Beauchamp commented that he had attended the Water Resources South East Board as chaired by Affinity and Thames Water where he asked if they would be prepared to speak to borough councils. Cllr Beauchamp confirmed that he would send details of key contacts once the minutes have been released so that the Committee can invite them. The Chair confirmed that if there is capacity for this subject then they can be included within the Work Programme.


Cllr England asked if there is a regular way to discuss recycling over the years, noting that there is not an annual recycling assessment. Cllr England referred to a previous request from Cllr Hobson on an investigation into recycling. It was noted that councillors went on a tour to see what happens to recycling and that it would be useful to know what is now happening to recycling.


The Chair stated that he is keen for the Work Programme to include items that members want to cover and that he is happy to speak to officers to look into this further.


There being no further business, the Chair closed the meeting at 8:56pm.


ACTION: Further update on digitalisation to be included as part of the quarterly report.


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