Agenda item

Green Waste


1.    Cabinet agreed that a charging subscription scheme be introduced from January 2023 for the commencement of garden waste collection from 27 February 2023.

2.    Cabinet agreed the annual subscription scheme and the charges for garden waste collection as set out in paragraph of the published report.




  1. Cabinet agreed that a charging subscription scheme be introduced from January 2023 for the commencement of garden waste collection from 27 February 2023.


  1. Cabinet agreed the annual subscription scheme and the charges for garden waste collection as set out in paragraph of the published report.


Corporate Priorities

A clean, safe and enjoyable environment; Ensuring efficient, effective and modern service delivery.


Statutory Officer Comments:

Monitoring Officer:


The proposed scheme represents a balanced approach and enables the Council to continue to fund this discretionary service whilst ensuring that only residents receiving the service are liable for payment.  The detailed legal implications of this report are covered in section 6.


Deputy S151 Officer:


Green waste is a discretionary service that councils are able to charge residents who choose to purchase the service. The Council has a statutory requirement to provide a balanced budget year on year, and the current financial pressures on the Council, brought about by the reduction in government funding and increasing cost pressures, has meant that the Council has had to review all service decisions regarding discretionary services.


The current green waste service costs the Council in excess of £1m per year. The proposed concessionary charge for this service will provide circa £630k of additional revenue to support the Council’s medium term financial efficiencies.



Cllr Barrett introduced the report. 

Cllr Williams commented this will bring us in line with our colleague authorities who charge for this service (with the exception of 2 authorities who co mingle their food waste with green waste so cannot charge).

Cllr Griffiths commented this will be a choice, if residents do not feel they need the service, they have a choice to not subscribe; most of our other charges are not choice based. 

Cllr Anderson commented that as a Council we held out for as long as we could but we cannot any further.  This may encourage composting, personally stopped using green waste bin some time ago.  It may not be popular but it is a fair way of doing things.

Cllr Williams agreed, it is an optional charge for an optional service and this approach will mean the burden of that service does not fall on those residents who do not use it. 

Recommendations agreed


Supporting documents: