Agenda item

Complaints Policy


HPeacock provided an overview of the policy, noting that this is part of the Customer Strategy as approved by Cabinet in February 2022. The policy highlights key areas of the strategy to put the customer at the centre of services. HPeacock took the report as read, noting the focus within the strategy regarding phoning customers in relation to frustrations, updated response times and reviewing levels of responsibilities with team leaders handling stage 1 complaints and heads of service dealing with stage 2. The aim is to implement the policy by 1st December 2022, subject to approval from Cabinet. HPeacock also introduced OBurrough, a corporate graduate who has assisted with the development and implementation of the policy.


Cllr Foster referred to a complaint in 2019 that was ignored and that the follow-up complaint was also ignored, resulting in going to the RGO. Cllr Foster noted the timeframes that were not met previously and asked if a response would now be given if they were not met. Cllr Foster advised that the issue was that 2 services were involved and the complaint was considered closed once it was sent to the relevant service. Cllr Foster also noted that she did not receive a copy of the complaint made and that the phone number did not provide an option to get through to complaints.


HPeacock confirmed that part of the work linked to the development of the policy is the centralisation of complaints resource under the Customer Service unit, and the centralisation of this resource, including the tracking and monitoring of complaints, allows better oversight of when complaints are slipping against deadlines. HPeacock commented on the previous complaint and the number of services being involved, noting that one officer will be appointed as the lead on the complaint and will be responsible for collating responses and then responding to the customer. On the issue raised by Cllr Foster, HPeacock advised that there will be one point of contact who is responsible for highlighting issues to the service or officer handling the complaint, adding that, as part of the policy, they have confirmed with all heads of service what they are responsible for to ensure complaints are allocated to the appropriate person.


Cllr Foster queried if the complainant would have the contact details of the person handling the complaint. HPeacock confirmed they would have the contact details of the person handling the complaint, who is expected to phone the customer in the first instance where they provide their contact details.


Cllr Foster asked if a copy of the complaint is provided when logged. HPeacock confirmed that templates are being considered with the expectation that the key elements of the complaint are included. On providing a copy back to the customer, HPeacock confirmed that this would be considered further.


Cllr Harden clarified that the customer would be contacted in the first instance and asked if this had taken place before. HPeacock confirmed that this isn't part of the current approach and was reflected in the feedback when developing the strategy.


Cllr Harden confirmed that he had tested the callback feature recently and was impressed with how it works.


Cllr Foster asked if customers will be informed on progress regarding their complaint. HPeacock confirmed that they would be.


Cllr Wilkie commended the report and congratulated the team on their work. Cllr Wilkie commented on complaints first raised with a councillor that are taken to officers rather than going through the complaints system. Cllr Wilkie noted previous issues with the system and the time taken to resolve complaints, commenting that these issues appear to have been addressed with the policy.


Cllr Timmis referred to the NHS and the aim to diffuse issues before they are escalated into becoming a complaint. HPeacock confirmed that they are covering this as part of the wider customer strategy and focusing on pain points within the system that could be resolved through other work being undertaken. There is also a focus on staff training and how to handle with issues before they become a complaint as well as how to ensure these issues are then reflected in service improvement activities.


Cllr England commented on item 3.4 or 3.5 of the report and asked if they should refer to formal and informal complaints or if this should be phrased differently to avoid confusion. HPeacock confirmed that this could be considered further, stating that they have reviewed the policy to ensure it is as accessible as possible. HPeacock added that the website also covers comments and compliments, though the focus is currently on complaints.


Cllr Beauchamp asked where in the policy local councillors come in, noting that they look to resolve complaints where possible and that customers aren't always aware of this. Cllr Harden stated that he was unsure where this would feature within the policy. HPeacock agreed, noting the separate route into the council and that whilst they may not formalise this within the policy, it can be covered in staff training to highlight the different ways that issues are escalated.


Cllr Rogers stated that he is unsure of specific officer responsibilities when looking to raise complaints from residents and asked if there is any training in place to ensure the switchboard can clarify the correct person to speak to. H Peacock referred back to the centralisation of the resource, noting that they will be regularly handling complaints and will know where to send key issues and that officers have been asked to confirm the key areas they are responsible for.


Cllr Stevens queried how many complaints are handled on a daily or weekly basis. HPeacock advised that centralising the resource will help improve the quality of data provided to members as well as addressing what is being done to respond to complaints.


Cllr Harden stated that it would be beneficial to see the number of complaints that come into the Council or the percentage of total interactions.


Cllr Stevens asked if the Complaints Policy will also apply to housing complaints. HPeacock confirmed that the policy applies to all services and the change to the timeframes is in response to change in the housing ombudsman policy.


Cllr Stevens asked if the system will use a reference number to take handlers to the complaint. HPeacock confirmed that the current complaints system uses reference numbers and that she will provide an update on the CRM in due course.


The Committee noted the report.


Action: H Peacock to report back complaints figures.

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