Agenda item

Q2 Performance Report - People & Communities



The report was taken as read, and the performance of the Old Town Hall was noted with regards to sell-out shows.


Cllr Barry-Mears commented on the graffiti, noting that she had met with the Prevent Officer for Hertfordshire, who highlighted a rise in anti-Semitic graffiti, particularly in Adeyfield, and asked if this was being monitored.

Cllr Banks noted this had not been brought to the team's attention, though the tagging of graffiti is fed through the police to check with schools and other partners to help recognise individuals. It was confirmed that this would be fed back to officers.


Cllr Harden commented on leadership tiers and that he was surprised it was JDoe's responsibility to be at the Committee meeting.


The Chair stated that they would ordinarily expect a representative present, either the author of the report or someone knowledgeable enough to present the report and answer arising questions. The Chair noted that this was the first time an agenda item had been brought to the meeting with no one to present it.


Cllr Ransley noted an increase in graffiti in Tring, noting that one of the subways from the junior and infant schools has been repeatedly graffitied in the last three years. Cllr Ransley commented that the team had painted black squares over offensive words and that this was then targeted with further graffiti. Cllr Ransley asked if they could approach others who may want to paint the space and to provide ownership.


NBeresford advised that underpasses are the responsibility of HCC and that she would feed this back for discussion.


The Chair noted a scheme in West London that sponsors artists and that this can help prevent graffiti.


Cllr Wyatt-Lowe commented that some artist projects have helped stop graffiti and that she would like to see more of this, adding that they could look at having an official graffiti wall where people could express themselves. Cllr Wyatt-Lowe noted that graffiti is an outlet and they should therefore channel it in a more positive way.


Cllr Banks asked that any instances of graffiti be reported via the council webpage, adding that some projects have been successful and should therefore be pursued.


Cllr Adeleke referred to Cllr Wyatt-Lowe's comments, advising that each local area in Paris has to legally provide an area for people to express themselves.


Cllr Adeleke asked if they could take the approach taken to fly-tipping in areas where graffiti is a particular problem.


Cllr Banks confirmed that she would pass this comment back to officers. (ACTION: Cllr Banks)


The Chair commented that she was in favour of sponsoring graffiti artists rather than criminalising them, given that aerosol cans can't be used inside and the restrictions they have should be acknowledged through the provision of space.


Cllr Banks agreed, adding that it would require an artist-led project.


Cllr Dhyani asked what happened to the artwork on the Plough subway.


Cllr Banks stated that her understanding was that they were stolen or damaged. Cllr Banks noted her disappointment, adding that they should still pursue this type of project.


Cllr Harden commented on Healthy Hub, noting that statistics appear to be reducing each quarter and that they are no longer receiving referral statistics. Cllr Harden asked why statistics are decreasing and what officers are doing to encourage growth.


Cllr Banks confirmed that she would forward the question onto officers.


ACTION: Cllr Banks to feedback to officers regarding reported increase in anti-Semitic graffiti in Adeyfield.


ACTION: NBeresford to raise issues regarding graffiti to HCC.


ACTION: Cllr Banks to feed back comments from Cllr Adeleke regarding the use of cameras to help prevent graffiti.


ACTION: Cllr Banks to raise question with officers regarding drop in Healthy Hub referrals and what is being done to encourage growth.



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