Agenda item

Paradise Employment Area Design Code


ARobinson provided an overview of the draft supplementary planning document, noting that the government are putting more emphasis on the development of design codes and that Dacorum had won funding last year to pilot the new design codes. It was decided to select the Paradise area as this had been marked for mixed use development. ARobinson explained that the design code has been developed over the last year with the assistance of an external architectural practice and that they have undertaken an extensive array of consultations as the design code has developed.


ARobinson explained that the design code is structured to set out mandatory and voluntary requirements to guide development on the site going forward. The main themes are (1) movement, (2) built for, (3) identity and (4) use. It is hoped the design code will form a baseline to guide developments and can be rolled out for all strategic growth locations across the borough. ARobinson advised that they intend to consult on the document over summer and autumn, to return it to the Committee for further review before going to Cabinet and Council for adoption.


ARobinson noted that the Committee was being asked to inform Cabinet of its views on the document prior to going out to consultation.


Cllr England commended the report, noting that it is particularly strong on movement. Cllr England remarked that it was encouraging to see the vision for cyclists and pedestrians, and the only area of concern was a preference for flat roofs, which may result in an missed opportunity to optimise solar and that they should look to maximise the amount of renewable energy they get from these buildings. ARobinson responded that the design code doesn't want to frustrate innovation in sustainable development and that the comments would be taken on board so the design code doesn't stifle this type of technology. Cllr Anderson stated that he would be happy to show Cllr England around Hemel Hempstead Day Centre that has a flat roof and solar panels.


Cllr Harden commented on the views around discouraging parking and asked if this had any influence on residents who can't park their vehicles on site and what impact this would then have on surrounding areas. ARobinson advised that the design code doesn't change parking standing policy and instead looks to influence the layout and form of parking spaces. The intention is not to change any requirements for parking and instead to ensure parking is provided in a sensitive way.


Cllr Wilkie agreed that the report was particularly strong. Cllr Wilkie referred to point 11.3 and noted that the SPD would be a national material consideration determining planning applications and asked if this point would be developed further. ARobinson agreed, noting that once the code was adopted, it would become a statutory document and would need to be regarded in any planning decisions. If it is felt the document needs to be developed before being adopted, any points will be taken on board.


The Committee noted the report.

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